Abu Atwan Transferred to Istishari Hospital in Ramallah

Photo: QP

Ramallah, MINA – The released Palestinian prisoner, Ghazanfar Abu Atwan, arrived on Thursday evening at Istishari Hospital in Ramallah, coming from the Israeli Kaplan Hospital, following an Israeli decision to release him, after a 65-day hunger strike.

On Thursday evening, the occupation issued a decision rescinding the administrative detention order for the released prisoner Abu Atwan, which is the second administrative order issued against him since his arrest on October 9, 2020.

Lawyer Jawad Boulos confirmed that the issue of the prisoner Abu Atwan brought to the fore a number of cases, foremost of which is the role of the Israeli courts in consolidating this policy and the need to adopt a clear strategy to confront the systematic administrative detention policy, Quds Press reported.

The Palestinian Prisoners Club said that the steadfastness of the prisoner, Ghazanfar Abu Atwan, is recorded in the files of victories, especially since the occupation authorities and all their devices tried to circumvent his strike and push him to suspend it without achieving the demand for freedom.

It is noteworthy that the 28-year-old prisoner, Abu Atwan, is a former prisoner who spent several years in the occupation prisons and previously went on a hunger strike in 2019.

And the occupation forces arrested him in October of last year 2020, and transferred him to administrative detention, and the occupation issued two administrative detention orders against him, each of which lasts six months.

Ghazanfar began his open hunger strike on the fifth of last May, when he was in Raymond prison, and after announcing the strike, he was transferred to the cells, and he was held in “Raymond” cells for 14 days, during which he was subjected to abuse and assault from Before the jailers, he was later transferred to the “Ohlikdar” isolation prison, and was held in harsh and difficult conditions in a cell full of insects, until he had to abstain from drinking water several times.

On May 31, the Occupation Military Court of Appeals in Ofer held a session to consider the appeal submitted by his lawyer to cancel his administrative detention, and later the court rejected the appeal.

And the occupation prisons administration transferred him again from Isolation Prison “Ohlikdar” to “Ramleh Clinic” prison after 33 days of his strike, during which the jailers resumed the process of assaulting him, entering his cell, beating him again with bruises, and spraying him with a substance It caused him to suffocate, without the slightest regard for his current health condition.

On the tenth of last June, the Supreme Court of the occupation held a new session for him to consider the petition submitted by his lawyer regarding the cancellation of his administrative detention. The court rejected the petition again.

On June 21, his health condition seriously deteriorated, which called for urgent medical intervention.

After his transfer to the Israeli “Kaplan” Hospital, the occupation prison administration deliberately obstructed lawyers’ visits to him and threatened him with forced treatment.

On June 24, the Supreme Court of the occupation issued a decision freezing his administrative detention, which does not mean its abolition, but in fact means releasing the responsibility of the occupation prisons administration and the Intelligence (Shin Bet) for the fate and life of the prisoner Abu Atwan, and turning him into an unauthorized “prisoner”.

Officially in the hospital, and he remains under the guard of the “security” of the hospital instead of the guards, and he will actually remain a prisoner whose family cannot transfer him anywhere, knowing that family members and relatives can visit him as any patient according to the hospital’s laws, as happened on many occasions with former prisoners who went on strikes about food over the past years.

According to medical reports issued about a week ago by the hospital regarding his health condition, the doctors confirmed that the prisoner Abu Atwan faces three serious possibilities, including paralysis, or a chronic health problem that is difficult to treat later, in addition to the possibility of sudden death.

On July 1, the occupation refused to transfer him to a Palestinian hospital despite the court’s decision to suspend his administrative detention, which once again exposes the court’s decision to suspend his administrative detention.

The freed prisoner Abu Atwan announced his water strike on July 4, and on July 7, the occupation forces raided the sit-in tent in front of his family’s house and fired gas and live bullets and wreaked havoc in it. .

On the same day, a medical report was issued by the doctors at the Israeli “Kaplan” Hospital, in which they confirmed, according to the apparent examination, that the prisoner Abu Atwan, who has been on hunger strike for the 64th consecutive day, suffers from severe weakness, and has begun to lose his ability to speak, as well as suffering from severe pain. In the chest and back, specifically on the left side, in addition to severe abdominal pain, and his loss of the ability to move his lower limbs. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)