About 160 Palestinian Prisoners are in Critical Condition in Israeli Prisons

Ramallah, MINA – Director of the Center for Studies of Palestinian Prisoners Riyadh Al-Ashqar, as many as 700 sick Palestinian prisoners are in Israeli prisons, including 160 in critical condition and 20 suffering from cancer.

“Musa Sofan, who has been in prison for 20 years and is suffering from cancer, is one of the sickest prisoners inside Israeli prisons,” Al-Ashqar said as quoted by Middle East Monitor on Sunday.

He accused the Israeli authorities of not offering Sofan the chance for proper treatment.

Al-Ashqar added that the Israeli Prison Service continues to prevent Sofan’s release for treatment and denies him the right to: “At least die among his relatives rather than die in prison.

Regarding the Israeli court that rejected the release of sick detainee Walid Dagga, he said: “The court does not see the possibility of releasing him or not, but whether it has jurisdiction to handle his case or not.”

Al-Ashqar explained, Dagga was returned to Al-Ramlah Jail with unfounded claims that he had a strange disease, noting that “he faces a slow death.”

He described the conditions of Dagga’s detention as “very difficult”, pointing out that the Israeli government, especially National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, immediately instigated the courts against him and asked him not to investigate his case. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)