A Year of Russian Attack, Indonesia Supports UN Resolution on Peace in Ukraine

New York, MINA – The follow-up meeting of the 11th Emergency Special Session (ESS) of the UN General Assembly on Thursday in New York, United States adopted a resolution entitled “UN Charter principles underlying a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine” supported by 141 countries, including Indonesia.

The resolution was agreed one year after Russia’s aggression on Ukraine on 24 February 2022.

According to the press statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by MINA on Saturday, Indonesia’s support was given because of the substance and spirit of the resolution which upholds the principles of the UN Charter and international law, including peaceful conflict resolution, respect for Human rights and law enforcement.

“Indonesia’s move is part of an effort to continue to encourage the two parties in conflict to return to the negotiating table,” wrote the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This is bearing in mind that the responsibility for ending the war lies with both parties to the conflict. Indonesia will also continue to encourage the international community to create a conducive situation for the implementation of peace in Ukraine.

For Indonesia, a zero-sum game approach in the Ukraine war will not solve the problem. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)