Palestinian President’s Advisor Meet Nahdlatul Ulama Officials in Jakarta

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Advisor to the President and the Supreme Sharia Judge of the Palestinian Authority (photo: NU Online)

Jakarta, MINA – Rais A’am of the Nahdlatul Ulama Central Board (PBNU) KH Miftachul Akhyar, accompanied by PBNU Chairman Yahya Cholil Staquf, welcomed Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Advisor to the President and the Supreme Sharia Judge of the Palestinian Authority, at the PBNU office in Central Jakarta on Thursday.

Sheikh Al-Habbash was joined by the Palestinian Ambassador to Jakarta, Zuhair Al Shun. The meeting, reported by NU Online, concluded with a press conference where Gus Yahya and Mahmoud Al-Habbash spoke.

During the press conference, Gus Yahya urged all religious and national leaders to support Palestinian independence. He emphasized that collective efforts should focus on promoting human values, upholding justice, and working towards a fair and harmonious international order.

Gus Yahya explained that PBNU’s invitation to Mahmoud Al-Habbash was aimed at amplifying the voice of Palestine in Indonesia, reaching both the general public and policymakers.

Regarding the ongoing situation in Palestine and recent events, Gus Yahya called for an immediate end to the violence. He expressed concern that such violence, like that in Gaza, could easily spread to other regions.

Meanwhile, Mahmoud Al-Habbash asserted that Palestine is a legitimate state according to international legal decisions. This includes territories such as Gaza, the West Bank, and the capital city of Jerusalem, all of which are internationally recognized.

“We will not surrender or accept any division of Palestinian territory for any reason. “All parts of Palestine and its governance remain under our authority,” Mahmoud said. He noted that Palestine’s future depends on unity among Palestinians and political factions, as peace in Gaza is unattainable without it.

He added, “The end of this occupation, and ultimately achieving peace, will come with granting Palestinians their political rights.” (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)