Lebanon’s Hezbollah Launches 40 Missiles at Israeli Military Sites

Beirut, MINA – Lebanon’s Resistance Movement, Hezbollah, launched 40 missiles towards Israeli military sites in occupied Galilee on Thursday.

Israeli newspapers Channel12 and Yedioth Ahronoth reported that Israel’s defense system intercepted half of the missiles, while the other half landed in open areas.

Sirens were sounded in the city of Safed, located in Upper Galilee. Israeli police reported fires in several places in Safed due to the bombings from Lebanon, causing property damage.

“Northern District Police officers are handling the sites where explosive devices fell in the city and are calling on the public not to approach the remnants of these missiles,” Israeli police said in a statement on Friday.

No casualties were reported in the incident.

The large-scale bombing occurred after Israeli forces killed a member of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

Earlier, an Israeli drone targeted a motorcycle in the town of Sohmar in West Bekaa, eastern Lebanon.

On Thursday afternoon, Israeli artillery bombarded the outskirts of the southern town of Naqoura and Alma Shaab.

On the same day, Hezbollah announced the bombing of a major missile defense airbase of Israel’s Northern Command with dozens of missiles.

Hezbollah members targeted the Ruwaisat al-Qarn site in Shebaa Farms, Lebanon, with missile weapons and directly attacked it.

Additionally, they targeted the Naqoura Marine site of Israel and positions, as well as settlements of enemy officers and soldiers, directly hitting them, causing the site to catch fire and resulting in casualties and injuries among those inside.

Since October 8, 2023, Hezbollah has declared its support for the Palestinian people facing Israeli aggression in Gaza and the West Bank.

Hezbollah has attacked Israeli military targets on the northern Israeli border, Palestinian territories under Israeli occupation, from southern Lebanon, which serves as a Hizbullah military base, promising to cease if Israel stops its military attacks in Gaza. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)