Photo: PIC
Photo: PIC

Ramallah, 18 Jumadil Akhir 1436/7 April 2015 (MINA) – The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) arrested at dawn Monday (6/4) eleven Palestinians after breaking into their homes in the West Bank.

Israeli media sources said that eight wanted persons were nabbed today including three citizens from Bethlehem for allegedly stoning Israeli settlers’ cars, Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

On the other hand, Palestinian security sources told Quds Press that dozens of settlers broke into al-Khalil city on Sunday and visited Othniel tomb, one of the alleged Jewish religious sites in the city.

Israeli troops also stormed Surif and Halhul towns in the city. No arrests were reported during the raid.

Meanwhile, three citizens were arrested during a violent raid campaign carried out at dawn Monday in different towns in Jenin.

Israeli forces stole money and mobile phones from the detainees’ homes during the inspection raid, local sources said.

The sources added that makeshift checkpoints were also erected since the early morning hours at the entrances to the towns.

Along the same line, the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) reported that 100 Palestinians were nabbed in al-Khalil district in March, including 25 children and a woman who was later released on bail.

34 prisoners of those were transferred to administrative detention. The detainees included 15 sick citizens and 18 students, the sources added.

According to the PPS, a total of 25,000 shekels of fines was imposed on the prisoners. (T/P006/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)