A boy is looking at his cattle  that killed by Israeli attack. Photo: MINA
A boy is looking at his cattle that killed by Israeli attack. Photo: MINA

Gaza, 28 Ramadan 1435/26 July 2014 (MINA) – Besides humans, houses, hospitals, mosques, and agricultural land, Israeli aggression also attacked farms in Gaza, so many livestocks died there.

For example, Abu Khalid’s farm in eastern Jabaliya, became the target of Israeli attack, on 14th day of Israeli aggression.

At least 22 cattles died on the farm. It caused by missile attacks from Israeli tanks, Khalid said, Saturday.

“As a result, I lose at least 80,000 dollars. It does not include the lost of my house that destroyed by the attack,” he said.

There were thousands of other farms in Gaza that attacked by Israeli aggression.

Israeli occupation attacked eachof  Gazan life aspects, including children, women and thousands of houses had destroyed by the attacks.

Until the news released at least 985 people died and 5,840 others injured.

Palestine and Israel carried out truce on Saturday for 12 hours from 08:00 am to 20:00 p.m. The medical found at least 85 dead under destroyed buildings. (L/K01/K02/Syt/P04)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)


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