Photo : Press Tv Worldwide rallies call for liberation of al-quds
Worldwide rallies call for liberation of Al-Quds. (Photo : Press TV)

Al-Quds, 10 Sya’ban 1435/8 June 2014 (MINA) – People in several countries have begun a campaign of rallies to call for the liberation of the holy city of al-Quds (Jerusalem), Press TV reports.

On Saturday, demonstrators in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, marked the annual event, which is dubbed “Global March to al-Quds,”  Press TV quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The march is aimed at expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people who continue to fall victim to Israeli aggression.

“The plan to Judaize al-Quds will not work. We know that Israel continues its acts of aggression, especially the ongoing building of illegal settlements.

Arabs should unite in order to have the Palestinian people return to their land,” a protester told Press TV.

“We are here today to say al-Quds is the capital of Palestine. We are here to say that peace or war starts from al-Quds and that we will ensure that resistance is our choice and the path until Palestine and al-Quds are freed,” another demonstrator said. Similar rallies were also staged in the Palestinian territories,

Jordan and Britain where thousands of people voiced their support for the holy city and its religious sites. In the Gaza Strip, a number of Hamas officials, including former Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, took part in the rally. This year’s rallies also attracted pro-Palestinian activists from the United States, Spain and France.

The Global March to al-Quds is an international movement that supports the struggle of the Palestinians for freedom and condemns the Israeli occupation of the holy city.

Marches associated with the day of action are this year being held in 80 cities across 42 countries around the world, the organizers of the event say.(T/P012/E01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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