UNSC Debates Violence on Gaza Borders

Tens of thousands of Palestinians in the blockaded Gaza Strip converged on the border Friday to reaffirm their right to return to their homes in historical Palestine.

New York, MINA – The UN Security Council 9UNSC) convened a closed-door meeting late Friday to discuss the Israeli aggression on a Palestinian peaceful rally near the eastern borders of Gaza Strip.

The UNSC members failed to agree a statement on the incidents that left at least 15 fatalities and 1,400 injuries among the Palestinian demonstrators who were marking the Land Day.

They decided to turn the Council session into an open one.

Earlier Friday, the State of Kuwait demanded holding an urgent session by the Council after the deadly attacks on the Palestinian defenseless demonstrators.

Kuwait’s Permanent Representative to the UN Mansour Al-Otaibi said Israel’s excessive use of force and attempts to terrorize the Palestinian people “would not break the Palestinians’ will.” (T/RS5/RS1)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)