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Understanding Ramadan and Its Blessing Beyond

Rana Setiawan - Friday, 30 April 2021 - 10:05 WIB

Friday, 30 April 2021 - 10:05 WIB

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Amar Ma’ruf, Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli.

By: Moehammad Amar Ma’ruf, Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli

As one the Hadist Prophet Muhammad PBUH  says, Fasting is a shield, so the one who fasts should avoid obscene speech and ignorant behavior. If someone abuses him or starts to fight with him, he should reply by saying: ‘I am fasting. I am fasting’. (SAHEEH AL-BUKHARI, A COMPANION OF PROPHET MOHAMMAD).

Thanks to the Almighty God for His Merciful  in presenting again to us Ramadhan Month. The month of Ramadhan may not be found in our temporary life which we don’t know when people will pass away. During this month Islam believers be instructed to do fasting from the Morning to the Afternoon (Maghreb time) and do other ritual activities at night. Those who are fasting will have a more chance to grow their spiritual contact and build stronger relationships with the God Almighty Allah, the creator of Universe,  by praying, reciting the Quran, making their actions intentional and selfless, and abstaining from gossiping, lying, and fighting.

The Ramadhan is a magnificent gift for all tauhid believers. On this month the Fasting Doers will observe ritual activities. If this ritual be conducted sincerely, it will have noble impact not only to human but also to its environment. One example is the Doer will be taught to share its empathy to the poor. Those who are living in poverty and always having unpleasant moment and live desperately in hunger or lack of basic needs should be paid attention during this month. The condition that may never be felt by the fortunate.

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Furthermore, to express strong commitment in combating poverty, outside Ramadhan all moslem/moslemah are invited to contribute its best effort to eliminate the root cause of hunger by developing and sharing its best practices to assist the unfortunate to improve their quality of life.

Ramadhan today has extremely different. People face big challenge due to unprecedented problems being found. The most prevailing issues is outbreak of  pandemic of Covid 19. Meanwhile, it is worsen with the struck of heavy natural disasters or even other non-natural disasters in certain countries. These issues are complicated and have interchangeables impacts.

For the social workers this situation will be gold mining to have good rewards. The same orientation also for the fasting doers. They will see and manage the above unfortunate situation or moment faced by the unfortunate as golden opportunity. They will do as good as they can and they also share their capacities to minimize or overcome the burdens of the affected peoples and surroundings.

Many fasting doers will feel fortunate to race and invite in good purposes (Amar Ma’ruf) and avoid bad thing (nahi munkar). On this month all good activities get multiplied reward. As the nights of Ramadhan, there will be special night which is called Lailatul Qadr (doing the good things during time will have 1000 multiplying reward). Meanwhile, the opposite attitude will also be given the multiple punishment if they do on purpose without legal reasons.

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The magnificent of Ramadhan brings goodness beyond human calculation due to the reward will be given by the Creator of Universe directly and from all directions.  This reward will also be felt and given to anyone who want to make this Ramadhan full of festive and easiness for all the doers. Eventhough the positive contribution is small, it will be worth it before the eye of Allah Almighty as good reward.

In health aspects, many health  practitioners find proof that the fasting increase healthy body organ. The physical and mental of doers  will rejuvenate. It is positive for human organ that may exhausted after being used continously for 11 months. The fasting activities will make our body and mind healthier.

In term of social and economic, the stakeholders will get multiplied gains. They will receive reward in many kind of return. Many economic and social activists will gain sustainable benefits not always in the form of material aspects but also in the form of social benefits, for examples permanent and markets for its products and productivity of its employers.

The value of having good deed in Ramadhan month creates balancing and equal opportunities for all to respect each other’s and share their empathy toward their neighbor problems. This situation will also support and create more balancing and positive interaction between peoples and its  environment. This will contribute clean oxygen for living things including human.

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In the wide scope, the good impact of Fasting is in line with the solidarity efforts among nations. World acknowledges that many countries in the world still face problem in fulfiling the basic need for their peoples. This problem is doubled with the outbreak of pandemic of Covid 19 and other non-natural disasters. This situation will open new perspective of cooperation or may become more technical to provide more facilities on public utilities.

Every effort in curing this problem will have significant reward before the Almighty God with His Own Power and Will. Therefore the Ramadhan is a momentum for all stakeholders to prepare and do the good things for all human kind and environment that may enhance or even facilitate the believer in conducting their ritual obligation. Its facilitation may vary depend on its capacities. More giving more good things will return. For that reason, Allah Almighty will appreciate those who thanks to others and Allah the Almighty will lead the way those who always hand in hand for benefit of people and environment.

Let us race to get that blessings. HAPPY RAMADHAN KAREEM 1442 H. (AK/R1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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