Magelang, MINA – As 1,294 residents have been evacuated to four districts namely Boyolali, Magelang, Klaten and Sleman along with the increasing activity of Mount Merapi as reported by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).
Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Raditya Jati said a total of 1,294 residents had been evacuated to four districts, namely Boyolali, Magelang, Klaten and Sleman.
“Those who were evacuated were mostly vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, children, toddlers, pregnant women, disabilities and breastfeeding mothers,” Raditya said on Thursday.
Most of the residents were evacuated to Magelang Regency with a total of 835 residents, Sleman with 203 residents, Boyolali with 133 residents, and Klaten with 123 residents. They are scattered in temporary evacuation sites (TES) and final evacuation sites (TEA).
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Raditya ensures that the residents’ needs for food and drink are met. Volunteers at the evacuation site continue to help provide basic necessities such as vegetables, then cook food in the soup kitchen or in the field kitchen car.
Support posts in shelters are also always ready to provide services such as health posts that are on standby 24 hours.
“The village government prepares not only a place, but personnel and services to residents who must be evacuated. This is proof of the strength of a sister village in the context of a disaster, residents from one village help other villagers,” he said.
Raditya said the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) continues to assist village, district and provincial governments to meet the needs of residents.
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In terms of emergency preparedness and handling, the four regional governments at the district level have determined an emergency status, both alert and emergency response.
The status will facilitate BPBD in terms of resource accessibility, as well as accountability in implementing emergency response operations.
Raditya said BPBD also continues to evaluate challenges when conditions become increasingly critical, such as evacuation routes and transportation, communication lines and equipment, as well as the application of health protocols during the evacuation process or in shelters. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)