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The Gift of Indonesian Independence in the Month of Ramadan

sajadi - Tuesday, 4 April 2023 - 21:21 WIB

Tuesday, 4 April 2023 - 21:21 WIB


By: Ali Farkhan Tsani, Journalist of MINA News Agency

The Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia which was proclaimed on August 17, 1945, coincided with Friday, 9 Ramadan 1364 H.

How the independence of the Republic of Indonesia was declared to coincide with the holy month of Ramadan. Therefore, Ramadan and August can be interpreted as months of independence, both in the spiritual sense and in the physical sense.

The month of Ramadan is interpreted as a month of spiritual, soul, mental, and spiritual freedom, from the clutches of lust and from the shackled temptations of Satan.

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August is interpreted as the month of independence for the people and nation of Indonesia from grip, oppression, and colonialism.

The choice of the day for the proclamation of independence fell on Sayyidul Ayyam or the leader of the day, namely Friday and in the month of Ramadan. This choice is certainly not accidental.

Bung Karno before proclaiming Indonesia’s independence, first asked for advice from the clergy. Among them to Kyai Abdoel Moekti from Muhammadiyah and Kyai Hasyim Asy’ari from Nahdatul Ulama.

The text of the Proclamation itself was dictated by Bung Hatta and written by Bung Karno at 03.00 at the time of the Ramadhan meal.

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Prior to that, KH Hasyim Asy’ari had conducted diplomacy for independence abroad by conducting correspondence to the Arab world through Shaykh Al-Amin Al-Husaini, who was once the Grand Mufti of Baitul Maqdis Jerusalem, Palestine (1921-1937).

Shaykh Al-Husaini was then chairman of the World Muslim Congress. Shaykh Al-Husaini while he was in Germany, conveyed about the push for independence to the Ambassador of Nippon (Japan) in Germany, Oshima.

At that time, Al-Husaini was known to be close to Germany, because he joined the alliance with the Axis Powers (Germany and Italy) in World War II. He joined the anti-Jewish-Zionist mission.

Thus, Shaykh Al Husaini voiced support for Indonesian independence long before the proclamation of independence was announced by Sukarno on August 17, 1945. He voiced support for Indonesian independence via Arabic-language radio in Germany, on September 6, 1944, a year before the proclamation.

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After the proclamation of Indonesian independence, Shaykh Muhammad Amin Al Husaini congratulated, and encouraged countries in the Arab region and the Islamic world to participate in congratulating and recognizing him.

His statement made Palestine one of the first countries, even though it has not been recognized as a country by the international community, which recognized Indonesia’s de facto independence.

Such is God’s gift of independence in the month of Ramadan, which was then enshrined in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, “By the grace of God Almighty, and driven by a lofty desire, for a free national life, the Indonesian people hereby declare their independence”.

Our predecessors at that time glued together all the differences that existed to achieve independence, and united within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

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Until now, Muslim scholars, leaders and ummah have always maintained this unity and unity, and filled sustainable development with the values ​​of piety.

Thus, the obligation of fasting in Ramadan has a close relationship with piety. Ramadan fasting that is carried out properly and correctly, will produce a degree of piety in the sight of Allah Ta’ala. (QS Al-Baqarah: 183). And that is the main capital of nation building, with the existence of pious human resources.

With piety, wealth becomes a blessing, knowledge becomes a benefit, life becomes meaningful, has quality and weight, and pleases Allah.

With piety, Allah will provide for him a way out, and with piety Allah will provide sustenance from where he did not expect.

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Hopefully, the gift of Indonesian independence in the holy month of Ramadan, can lead us to become human beings of development who fear Him. Amen. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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