Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



Syria and ISIS Issues should not Make Us Forget to Palestine

Ilghozy - Monday, 7 March 2016 - 15:38 WIB

Monday, 7 March 2016 - 15:38 WIB

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The members of Commission 1 House of Representative Sukamta (
The members of Commission 1 House of Representative, Sukamta (

The members of Commission 1 House of Representative, Sukamta (

Jakarta, 27 Jumada Awwal 1437/7 March 2016 (MINA) – The members of Commission 1 House of Representative Sukamta reminded the existing issues of Syria and ISIL should not make us forget to the Palestine as the core of the Middle East conflict

Sukamta also expressed his support for the statement of Indonesia Foreign Minister Retno L P Marsudi that the OIC summit this time is a good moment to return Palestinian issue as a priority to be solved and achieve unity among Palestinian factions.

For Muslims, Palestine is the place where Baitul Maqdis or Al-Quds takes place. It also the first Qibla of worship (before Masjidil Haram) and place of Isra Miraj of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam.

Al Aqsa is not only belongs to the Palestinians, but it belongs to Moslems all over the world.

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The fifth extra ordinary OIC Summit is back grounded by many conflicts that existed in the Middle East countries. Those makes the decline of international community’s attention towards Palestine and Al-Quds.

While the process of peace negotiations between Palestinians and Israel did not show significant progress. Israeli authority and settlers continued to use force against Palestinian civilians and restrict their access to Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The conference themed “United for a Just Solution”, trying to push a message of unity, as well as improving the Palestinian struggle through the United Nations agencies and other multi-national.

The conference also discussed the formation of advocacy team, financial assistance, human resource development, as well as capacity building for the Palestinian people skills. (L /ctr/K08/R03)

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Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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