Jakarta, MINA – Based on the decision of the Plenary Meeting on Saturday, December 26, 2020 at the Candidate Center Office Jakarta, OIC Youth Indonesia announced the dismissal of Syafii Efendi as President of OIC Youth Indonesia for the period 2019 – 2024.
With the stipulation of the aforrmentioned dismissal, hereby the person concerned does no longer serve as President of OIC Youth Indonesia, starting as of December 26, 2020 due to abuse of authority and violations of the organization’s consitution (AD / ART) with several evidences found by the executive board of OIC Youth Indonesia.
For the time being the President position is held by Astrid Nadya Rizqita as Acting President of OIC Youth Indonesia.
In a press release, this is based on the provisions of the plenary meeting number 04 / PLENO-I / TAP / XII / 1442 concerning the Change of the National Executive Board of OIC Youth Indonesia in accordance with the laws of OIC Youth Indonesia Article 9 paragraph 7, starting as of 26 December 2020.
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“The Plenary Meeting of the OIC Youth Indonesia Alhamdulillah went well, constitutionally and through the forum of the Plenary Meeting of the President of OIC Youth Indonesia, Syafii Efendi has been officially dismissed as a member, and the forum constitutionally appointed Astrid Nadya Rizqita as Acting President, I hope this will be a good momentum for the future development of OIC Youth Indonesia as part of the leading youth organizations especially in the Muslim World,” Said Suaeb Arifin as the coordinator of the Plenary Steering Committee, Saturday.
The Plenary Meeting was attended by 37 participants both online and offline from 13 OKPs, consisting of the Vice President, General Treasurer, Deputy Secretary General and daily board members with a percentage of 50% + 1 which indicates that the meeting is quorum in nature.
The Steering Committee consists of Suaeb Arifin, Aziz Fauzul Azim, and Ellena Pangestu Kavarera who replaced Natsir Al-Walid for health reasons based on the agreement of the plenary meeting.(R/R1/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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