Saudi Says Syiria Ceasefire Deal Could Be Agreed

Riyadh, 6 Dzulhijjah 1437/8 September 2016  (MINA) – Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir yesterday said there was a possibility of reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Syria within 24 hours.

Asked at a briefing with reporters in London to comment on the failure of the United States and Russia to agree a ceasefire, Al-Jubeir said he would not describe it as a failure but as a work in progress, , Middle East Monitor (MEMO) reported.

“There is a possibility of arriving at an understanding in the next 24 hours or so that will test Bashar Al-Assad’s seriousness to comply,” he said.

But the minister went on to say Al-Assad’s history did not inspire optimism about implementation of any agreement.(T/P008/R07)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)