Imaamul Muslimin KH Yakhsyallah Mansur, MA
Imaamul Muslimin KH Yakhsyallah Mansur, MA

Bandar Lampung, 2 Shawwal 1436/18 July 2015 (MINA) – In response to the conflict in Karubaga, Tolikara, Papua, Indonesian Ulema as well as Imaam of Jamaah Muslimin (Muslim unity) Yakhsyallah Mansur asserted the duty of Muslims is to maintain places of  religions worship.

“Indonesian Muslims do not provoked by the Friday case which occurred in Tolikara. Allah said in Surah Al-Hajj verse 40, we preserved to maintain places of worship of other religions. So, do not reply the violence with violence anyway, “said Yakhsyallah, on Saturday.

The steering of Al-Fatah boarding school which scattered in various parts of Indonesia also confirmed the Muslims should be vigilant with distortions action perpetrated some parties who hate Islam if Muslims do retaliation.

“For example, in Myanmar, media pro Buddhist Rakhine preached murder committed by Muslims. They wrap the Muslim victims with Buddhist clothes as if they were actual victims and Muslims as perpetrators, “said the cleric and author of the book” Ash-Shuffah”.

Furthermore, the ambassador of Al-Quds International called on Muslims to apply Islam as rahmatan lil Alamin, giving peace and mercy to all creatures. ” Forgiveness is better than revenge crimes,” he said.

He cited the evidence of Islamic blessings, in Egypt there are Christian Copts who remain protected by Muslim major community. In Turkey there is a Jewish community that kept by Muslims. Although they buth are a minority, they live safely in the Muslim neighborhood.

Tolikara riot also proved no tolerance out of Islam. While in Islam is emphasized tolerance. For example, during Ramadan, Muslims are required to respect people who do not fasting, while the Indonesia minister of religion does not give an appeal to non-Muslims to respect people who are fasting.

Meanwhile, Papua Police Chief Yotje Mende and Cenderawasih XVII military commander Major General Fransen Siahaan, Saturday morning arrived in Karubaga, the Tiom district, following the riot that occurred on Friday. Antaranews reported.

The riot happened around 07:00 AM, when Muslims were doing Eid pray. A group of people committed threw stones and burned some buildings, including a mosque.

Tolikara Police Chief Suroso told Antara on Saturday, said the police and military of Cenderawasih were in Karubaga to see the condition after the riots.

However, about 150 people are still displaced. The Friday morning riot caused 11 people injured, said Suroso. Three of them had gunshot wounds and were evacuated to Jayapura. (L/R03/R04)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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