Photo: OnIslam
Photo: OnIslam

Paris, 8 Ramadan 1436/25 Juni 2015 (MINA) –  A popular French food website has came under racist comments’ attack after posting recipes for Muslims’ Ramadan, in an incident that reflects the surge of Islamophobia in the European country.

“In France, even recipes cause Islamophobic reactions,” wrote one of social media users, International Business Times reported on Tuesday, June 23. On Islam quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The controversy erupted after France’s leading food website, Marmiton, wished a “Happy Ramadan to all” and decided to cook lamb couscous or chicken tajine suggestions to celebrate the holy month.

Marmiton Ramadan wishes has sparked a row online with more than 1,450 comments debating the issue.

“Happy Ramadan to ‘ALL’????????????????” wrote Facebook user Anne Piraux-Flabat, using a total of 16 question marks, Agence France Presse (AFP) reported on

“I am not Muslim and I don’t count on becoming one,” she added, following up with six exclamation marks.

Another reader, Cyril Richard, showed his love for purely French cooking: “Long live cassoulet, sauerkraut, pork cutlets, ham and saucisson.”

Other users slammed the website for excluding the option of tapas, pizza and chow mein.

“Fascists even on their plate — what a shame!” wrote Dav Du Bled.

The latest online debate comes at tense time for the country’s six million Muslims who have been facing increasing hatred since Paris attacks last January. (T/P007/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)


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