Italian Police remove migrants in Ventimiglia, at the Italian-French border Tuesday, June 16, 2015. (Photo: AFP)
Italian Police remove migrants in Ventimiglia, at the Italian-French border Tuesday, June 16, 2015. (Photo: AFP)

Turin, 5 Ramadan 1436/22 June 2015 (MINA) – Pope Francis criticized corruption and fraud, as well as the mistreatment that migrants receive in many countries.

Pope Francis spoke in favor of migrants on Sunday, during an event at the Italian city of Turin, marking the bicentennial of Saint John Bosco’s birth.

“Immigration increases competition but migrants should not be blamed because they are the victims of injustice, of this throw-away economy, of wars,” he said.

The Pope also criticized the way in which migrants are treated in some countries and the many difficulties they face. “It makes one cry to see the spectacle of these days in which human beings have been treated like merchandise,” he added, TeleSur TV quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

His remarks come after the governor of Italy’s Veneto, Luca Zaia, ordered local officials to clear all migrants from reception centers near tourist destinations.

Francis condemned corruption in modern societies, as well as criminal organizations outside of government.

“Corruption today is so frequent that it seems it has turned into a normal behavior, (we have to say) no to mafia connections, to frauds, to bribes,” the Pope said.

As the head of the Catholic Church spoke in support of migrants, over 700 migrants arrived to Italy’s coast on Sunday, after being rescued at sea by Italian authorities.

Currently, the European Union is debating various ways to control the movement of migrants within the EU borders, while Rome demands for more help. Italy receives one of the largest immigration flows from Africa and the Middle East, through the Mediterranean, with increasing numbers, as Libya’s civil war and other regional conflicts are forcing people to leave their countries. (T/P001/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)


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