PLO Urges EU to Prevent Israeli Plan to Build Settlement in E1 Area

Doc Mondoweiss

Ramallah, MINA – Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) urged the European Union to prevent Israel from building settlements in E1 area, east of occupied Jerusalem, as announced by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Erekat handed the European Union Representative to Palestine, Sven Kuehn von Burgsdorff, during a meeting at his office a letter to the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, calling on him to urgently intervene to prevent the Israeli occupation government from implementing its settlement and annexation plans, especially the colonial settlement project known as E1. WAFA reported.

He warned that if the E1 project is implemented, it will destroy any future opportunity for peace based on the principle of two states solution on the 1967 borders.

Erekat also received at his office a delegation from the European Parliament representing Spain, Sweden, Denmark, France and Greece, and another delegation that included 22 German diplomats, in separate meetings.

He demanded in his talk with his guests that the international community must do everything necessary to preserve the principle of two states solution on the 1967 borders by holding an international conference with full powers on the basis of Nations resolutions and international law. (T/RS2/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)