Palestinian Citizens Perform Friday Prayers at Ibrahimi Mosque Amid Judaization Projects

Hebron, MINA – Activists from the city of Hebron invite the masses to perform Friday prayers at the Ibrahimi Mosque, to confront the plans and projects of Judaization carried out by the Israeli occupation.

Almost all loudspeakers in the mosque of Hebron city on Friday, called for Palestinians to prosper the Ibrahimi Mosque and be present in its courtyard to perform prayers, especially Friday prayers.

The Hebron City Waqf Agency reported that a number of mosques would be closed today, and residents were expected to attend the Ibrahimi Mosque for Friday prayers and confront the Israeli conspiracy, Palinfo reported.

Activists in Hebron called on residents, especially residents of the old city to attend Friday prayers at the Ibrahimi Mosque, and perform ribat (standby), to assert the full rights of the Muslims there, and reject the plan of Judaization targeting the Ibrahimi Mosque.

Last week, the Israeli occupation began to carry out a Jewishization project, in an area of ​​300 meters in the courtyard of the Ibrahimi Mosque, including the construction of an escalator to facilitate entry of Jews, by pouring 2 million Shekels to finance it.

Israeli heavy equipment escorted by Israeli troops began digging 100 meters in the western courtyard of the Ibrahimi Mosque, to carry out the installation of the escalator.

The project threatens historic facilities near the Ibrahimi Mosque, and deprives the Hebron city government of construction and planning authority.

An Israeli court in April rejected a Palestinian request to freeze the construction of an escalator for Jewish groups at the Ibrahimi Mosque. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)