Yogyakarta, MINA – The new elected of Youth General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah, Sunanto stated he will maintain the neutrality of Muhammadiyah in the 2019 presidential election.
Cak Nanto, the nickname of Sunanto claimed he wants to keep the khittah (foundation of the struggle) and the spirit of Muhammadiyah. But, according to him it is also necessary to fill the political space with good virtual values so that it never stands by and waits for the progress.
In this political year, in accordance with the mandate of the Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Bapak Haedar Nashir, all cadres must maintain the khittah of Muhammadiyah to maintain the same closeness with all political parties and presidential candidates, “he said in his statement on Thursday (29/11).
In addition, Cak Nanto will strengthen the Muhammadiyah Youth Movement under a large tent of monotheism, knowledge and charity. For Cak Nanto, The Youth of Muhammadiyah will continue to move the nation forward.
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“Progress, in my commitment, also lies in progress and success in personality,” he said.
He said, Muhammadiyah is an Islamic movement through da’wah programs, education and culture. It should not be dragged to pragmatic political interests.
Cak Nanto was given the mandate by the XVII Muhammadiyah Youth Conference participants at the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. This Muhammadiyah young figure won the trust of the conference participants. (R/P2/RS5)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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