Netanyahu’s Policies Push Many Israelis Thinking about Leaving Israel Permanently

Tel Aviv, MINA – Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Friday warned that the policies of the government of Benjamin Netanyahu are pushing many Israelis to think about leaving Israel permanently, Anadolu Agency reports.

In a statement on his X account, Bennett said that with the passing of months amid ongoing war on Gaza and on the northern borders with Lebanon, Israelis are in despair due to the government policies.

He also slammed the Israeli decision to continue exempting Haredi Jews from military service, saying: “Why is there an entire sector here (in Israel) that does not enlist.”

“Why should I finance publics who don’t go out to work?” Bennett added, referring to the Ultra-orthodox (Haredi) Jews.

The former premier also slammed the Israeli ministers who were busy quarreling day and night with each other and insulting the Israeli army’s commanders.

Bennett added that Netanyahu’s current policies contributed to aggravating the crises in Israel instead of solving them. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)