purwakarta-300x225.png" alt="" width="300" height="225" /> Grand Mosque “Baing Yusuf” Purwakarta
Jakarta, MINA – Jamaah Muslimin (Hizbullah), a forum of Moslems unity, is slated to hold Tabligh Akbar or mass gathering to listen to religious messages and long march to welcome the new Islamic year of Hijriyah on 7 and 8 October.
The tabligh event on 8 October aims to unite people’s perceptions about the urgency of Muslim unity in the Perspective of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Bearing the theme of “Hijrah Toward the Unity of the Ummah in Realizing Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘alamin and Attempt Al-Aqsa Defense”, the planned tabligh akbar is expected to be attended by more than 1,000 worshipers. Abu Hanafi, Chairman of the Committee, told MINA, Monday (25/9).
Meanwhile, the long march will be held on Saturday (7/10) with the Start route from Al-Fatih Shuffah Mosque Hezbollah Cirende Purwakarta and finish at Masjid Agung “Baing Yusuf” Purwakarta.
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“The distance will be about 10 km, and started at night, at 8 pm,” he said.
Abu Hanafi explained that the long march which is estimated to be followed by more than 500 people is done at night is taking the trail of the Prophet’s trip from Al-Haram Mosque to Al-Aqsa Mosque at night.
While Tabligh Akbar will be held on Sunday (8/10) at Grand Mosque “Baing Yusuf” Purwakarta, according to the plan will be attended the Chargé d’Affaires of Palestinian Embassy for Indonesia, Chairman of MUI Purwakarta KH. John Dien, Head of Ponpes Uswatun Hasanah Sukarata Cipaisan Purwakarta KH. Muhammad Fadly Sulaeman Suja’i, Imaam Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) KH. Yakhsyallah Mansur, M.A.
“God willing, until now, all the speakers have given confirmation to attend, including Charge d’Affair Ad Interim (KUAI) Palestine Embassy to Indonesia, Ahmed Taher” he added.
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Tabligh Akbar and the Long march are organized by MINA Islamic News Office in collaboration with AWG (Aqsa Working Group), Tahfidz At Taqwa Cikampek and Tahfidz Shuffah Hizbulloh Cirende Purwakarta, and DKM Masjid Agung “Baing Yusuf” Purwakarta. (L/P2/RS5)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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