A Palestinian youth is arrested by Israeli soldiers for throwing stones during a protest. (AFP/Hazem Bader/File)
A Palestinian youth is arrested by Israeli soldiers for throwing stones during a protest. (AFP/Hazem Bader/File)

Hebron, 23 Dzulhijjah 1436/7 October  2015 (MINA) – Israeli forces detained at least 11 Palestinians in detention raids across the occupied West Bank overnight Monday, local sources and Israel’s army said.

There were at least five detentions across Hebron district, locals said, Maan News Agency  quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

A popular committee spokesperson, Muhammad Ayyad Awad, told Ma’an that Israeli soldiers raided the northern Hebron village of Beit Ummar early Tuesday and detained Muhannad Khalid Suliman al-Awwadi, 26, a former prisoner who previously spent two years in Israel’s jails.

Three brothers were detained from Khursa village south of Dura in southern Hebron, identified as Udai, Qusai and Abdullah Masalma.

Locals said that Israeli forces smashed a Palestinian car while they were in Khursa, where clashes also broke out.

Local sources told Ma’an that Israeli forces also detained a Palestinian identified as Hani Joulani from Bab al-Zaweya neighborhood in Hebron city.

Meanwhile, three Palestinians were detained in the village of Tuqu west of Bethlehem, Palestinian security sources told Ma’an.

They said that Israeli forces raided the village early Tuesday and ransacked a number of houses there.

The detainees were identified as Ali Diab Sabbah,17, Marwan Fuad Abed Kahlil,18, and Sabir Muhammad al-Badan.

An Israeli army spokeswoman confirmed that at least 11 Palestinians were detained in overnight raids.

She said that two were detained in Hebron, six in southern Bethlehem, one in southern Ramallah, and two in Nablus.

She said the detainee from Ramallah was a “Hamas operative,” while the others were detained for “suspected illegal activity.”

She added that two rifles and a handgun were found in Huwwara village south of Nablus.

The raids took place amid heightened tensions across the occupied Palestinian territory, which has seen fierce clashes in recent days and which continued overnight. (T/P010/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)