Photo: PIC
Israeli special units on Sunday evening broke into Section 11 at the Israeli occupation jail of Eshel. (Photo: PIC)

Gaza, 18 Jumadal Akhir 1436/7 April 2015 (MINA) – Israeli special units on Sunday evening (5/4) broke into Section 11 at the Israeli occupation jail of Eshel.

The Mohjat al-Quds Foundation for Martyrs and Prisoners said in a statement on Monday that the Israeli forces brutally scoured a cell in the Eshel lock-up and seized all the electric appliances as a revengeful move acted against Palestinian detainees, Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The prisoners warned the Israeli prison authorities they would step up protest moves in case their electrical devices were not restored.

They said they have received pledges from the prison service to have their appliances back on Monday.

Palestinian detainees held at the Israeli occupation jails have increasingly been subjected to abrupt break-ins and search campaigns launched by special armed forces as part of Israeli intents to mar prisoners’ lives, dash their hopes, and infringe on their rights. (T/P006/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)