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Indonesian-Saudi Businessmen Sign Two Trade Contracts

sajadi - Tuesday, 22 October 2019 - 05:04 WIB

Tuesday, 22 October 2019 - 05:04 WIB


Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang, MINA – After going through a long process of negotiations and assistance from the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah, businessmen from Saudi Arabia and Indonesia agreed to sign two trade contracts on the sidelines of the 2019 Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) event.

The 34th TEI which is the largest export product exhibition in Indonesia held on October 16-20 2019 at Indonesia Serpong Damai Convention Convention (ICE), Tangerang, Banten.

“Today’s agreement is the result of the government’s strong commitment to encourage exports,” explained Indonesian Consul General in Jeddah in their statement as received by MINA on Monday, October 21.

The trade contracts were signed by Mizanain and PT Sido Muncul Tbk, as well as SBTC and PT Eka Timur Raya, with a total value of both US $2.4 million. Present in the agreement were Mizanain Trading and Marketing Company Owner Abdillah and Achmad Zar’an, representatives of SBTC

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“Rejecting wind is the 57th Indonesian product that has entered the last three years,” said Gunawan, Head of the ITPC Jeddah who helped in initiating the process of the entry of Tolak Angin into Saudi Arabia.

Some new products that have entered Saudi include Catfish for Hajj Catering consumption, Diet Sugar Products from Nutrifood and some Herbal medicine products from Indonesia

The SBTC is a Saudi Arabian company that won Primaduta Award for participating in boosting the trade value between Indonesia and Saudi, especially in the MSME market sector.

After signing the agreement, representatives from SBTC emphasized that the company has long been partnering with entrepreneurs in Indonesia.

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According to him, in addition to product quality, one of the things that kept him working with Indonesian entrepreneurs is hospitality in interacting and always showing a sense of friendship and family.

“For us, the people of Indonesia are like brothers and we remain committed to continuing to import products from Indonesia so that Middle Eastern people can easily get quality Indonesian products in their countries,” he added. (L/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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