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Indonesian Muslim Congress Results Declaration of Bangka Belitung

sajadi - Saturday, 29 February 2020 - 05:38 WIB

Saturday, 29 February 2020 - 05:38 WIB


Pangkalpinang, MINA – VII Indonesian Muslims Congress (KUII) 2020 held on February 26-29, 2020 in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung, resulted in DECLARATION OF BANGKA BELITUNG, which was read at the closing ceremony on Friday night, February 28.

The declaration is complete as follows:


بســم الله الرحــمن الرحيــم

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كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنَ اللُُِِِِِِِِِِِِِْْْْْْْؤْ

(You are the best people who were born for humans, commanded those who are sorry, and prevent those who are evil, and have faith in Allah …) (Ali Imran: 110)

Thanks to the grace of Allah, VII Indonesian Muslims Congress (KUII) 2020 was held in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung Islands Province on 2-5 Rajab 1441 H to coincide on 26-29 February 2020.

The Congress was attended by all components of the Muslim community in Indonesia, leaders of the Indonesian Ulema Council in Indonesia, leaders of Islamic mass organizations, leaders of Islamic youth organizations (OKP), caretakers of Islamic boarding schools and Islamic schools, leaders of Islamic universities, business world, Islamic philanthropic institutions, media, Government officials, parties politics, and other Islamic leaders.

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That on the basis of a commitment to safeguard, guard, defend the nation and state of Indonesia based on the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesian Muslims are obliged to guard and straighten the direction of national and state life that deviates from the purpose of establishing in the nation-state, the precepts in Pancasila, and religious teachings.

That as a form of religious responsibility (mas’uliyah diniyah), national responsibility (mas’uliyah wathaniyah), and religious responsibility, after observing the condition of the people, nation and state at this time, always asking for the protection and pleasure of Allah SWT, the Muslims Congress Indonesia (KUII) VII of 2020 conveyed the DECLARATION OF BANGKA BELITUNG as follows:

1. Calling all citizens of the nation, especially the leaders of the country, not to contrast the national mindset with the religious mindset. This was a form of denial of the national agreement (al-mitsaq al-wathani) which made Pancasila as the basis of state and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the basis of the country’s constitution.

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Indonesian Muslims believe that the foundation of the country is in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The values ​​contained in Pancasila are the crystallization of religious values ​​that exist in Indonesia.

Therefore, in the context of nationhood and statehood, religious teachings must be positioned as a source of law, a source of inspiration, a basis for thinking, and a guiding method in the drafting of laws, and regulations as well as state and government policies.

2. Calling on state administrators to consistently continue to carry out the mandate of the constitution and legislation, enforce applicable laws and regulations, and provide very strict and fair sanctions against any violating party. Specifically, related to the practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) which are very detrimental to the state, the perpetrators must be common enemies and must be prevented and punished maximally without selective logging.

3. Calling political parties to be consistent in promoting national responsibility in carrying out their functions, accommodating and channeling the aspirations of the people, conducting checks and balances on legislative, executive and judicial policies, carrying out education and ongoing political cadre formation, and participating actively forming a political culture that is democratic, modern, participatory, accountable and upholds people’s rights; not building political oligarchies, and not just oriented towards power and practical politics.

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4. Calling on state administrators to promote alignments in developing a people’s economy and eliminate all domination of market forces through legislation, public services, targeted subsidies and incentives, and building a just and civilized national economic climate, for the realization of the social justice precepts for all Indonesian people.

5. Encouraging state and Muslim organizers and the business world to jointly continue to develop a populist economy based on sharia economy and finance, making sharia economics a buffer of the national economy, through the development of the halal industry, sharia finance, social funds (ziswaf), and Sharia business.

6. Inviting all Muslims to prioritize the spirit of unity among Muslims, develop moderate religious understanding (wasathiyat al-Islam), avoid religious practices that lead to liberalism, syncretism, secularism and religious pluralism, and continue to enhance cooperation in a religious way. synergistic, coordinated, sustainable between Islamic organizations, and Islamic institutions in improving the quality of life of Muslims in various fields.

7. Calling on the government so that in compiling National Education policies directed at the formation of a generation of young people who have faith and piety, noble, productive, competitive, free spirited, sovereign, confident, and noble personality, not influenced by the ideologies of secularism, hedonism, consumerism, and liberalism, as well as having a moderate national and religious insight.

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8. Encourage Islamic organizations and institutions to further optimize the development of information technology for the benefit of da’wah, Islamic education, economics, and form the big data of the people which can be used as a reference in the development of Muslims and religious life, as well as preventing various efforts to distort issues or to distract opinions that do not benefit Muslims.

9. Calling on the government to be consistent in carrying out a free and active foreign policy by contributing more to resolving conflicts that plague Muslims in various parts of the world, maintaining world peace by becoming a negotiator for countries in conflict, and socializing and campaigning the values ​​of the Pancasila in managing the harmony of the life of the nation and state to the international community, especially the countries hit by conflict. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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