National Statistics Agency Chief Suryamin
National Statistics Agency Chief Suryamin

Jakarta, 1 Dhulhijjah 1436/15 September 2015 (MINA) – Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of US$433.8 million in August, with exports reaching US$12.78 billion and imports at US$12.27 billion.

The volume of trade also recorded a surplus of 28.94 million tons, contributed by a surplus in the non-oil/gas sector at 29.26 million tons and a deficit of 320 thousand tons in the oil/gas sector, National Statistics Agency Chief Suryamin stated at a press conference here on Tuesday.

The non-oil/gas sector recorded a surplus of US$1.01 billion, but the oil/gas sector recorded a deficit of US$500 million. Antaranewsquoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reported.

Suryamin noted that the countrys exports in August reached US$12.70 billion, up 10.79 percent from Julys exports but dropped by 12.28 percent compared to the same period last year.

Meanwhile, imports in August reached US$12.27 billion, an increase of 21.69 percent from Julys imports but decreased by 17.06 percent compared to the same period last year.

“Cumulatively, the trade from January to August 2015 recorded a surplus of US$6.22 billion,” he remarked.

He added that the exports from January to August 2015 reached US$102.52 billion, while imports were recorded at US$96.30 billion. (T/P008/R03)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)




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