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Indonesia Disconnect Internet Network to Cambodia and Philippines

sajadi - Saturday, 29 June 2024 - 11:24 WIB

Saturday, 29 June 2024 - 11:24 WIB


Jakarta, MINA –  The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) has taken action by disconnecting Indonesia’s internet network to Cambodia and the Philippines. This step was taken to address the severe issue of online gambling that is damaging to the public.

“On June 25, 2024, the Minister of Kominfo instructed Network Access Providers (NAPs) to shut down internet connection routes to and from Cambodia and the Philippines,” said Teguh Arifiyadi, Director of Information Application Control (Ditjen Aptika) at Kominf to reporters on Friday, as reported by Republika online.

Teguh explained that Kominfo’s decision to cut off internet networks to these two countries was due to Cambodia and the Philippines being hubs for online gambling. He mentioned that this information came from reports and research gathered by Kominfo.

“Why Cambodia and the Philippines? Based on our research and gathered reports, the majority of online gambling operations originate from residences in Cambodia and the Philippines,” Teguh stated.

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Additionally, Teguh stated that cutting off internet connections is one of the measures to prevent online gambling in Indonesia. He believes that this action will draw attention to the governments of these two countries not to facilitate online gambling operators so easily.

“Because their market is Indonesia,” Teguh added.

Regarding the disconnection, Teguh mentioned that ministries, institutions, and businesses affected by this action should promptly report to Kominfo.

“We have sent letters to ministries or institutions; if this shutdown disrupts their services, please inform Kominfo,” Teguh said.

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Once reported, Kominfo can whitelist blocked IP addresses.

“In essence, we prioritize business services and international relations so they can still be easily accessed for Cambodia and the Philippines,” Teguh concluded. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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