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IHRC Launches Campaign to Protect Mosques from Charity Omission Harassment

Nidiya Fitriyah - Wednesday, 26 July 2023 - 13:51 WIB

Wednesday, 26 July 2023 - 13:51 WIB

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The facade of East London Mosque in London, England. [Aisha Nazar/Getty Images]

London, MINA –  The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) has launched a campaign to help protect mosques from being bullied by the charities’ regulator in England and Wales into adopting policies that limit their ability to speak and preach aspects of Islam to their congregations, MEMO reported.

The move follows a rise in the number of mosques and Islamic institutions reporting being harassed by the Charity Commission after being reported for so-called extremism.

The standard modus operandi is for the Commission to intervene after malicious complaints are levelled by secularists, Zionists or far right activists accusing mosques of extremism for promoting or sanctioning views that challenge the liberal secular orthodoxy.

Many mosques operate under charitable status making them vulnerable to any abuse of power. Complaints are often based on the flimsiest of contexts but are used as an justify wide-ranging and intrusive investigations, going well beyond the original complaint against the charity and pressurising them to make reforms that go beyond what is required by the law such as adopting a speakers’ policy and/or drawing a list of approved speakers.

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In many cases, the complaints are part of a concerted campaign by Islamophobes or pro-Israel advocates seeking to silence Muslims.(T/R3/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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