Governor Anies Describes Harmony and Synergy in Jakarta

Jakarta, MINA – Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, expressed his gratitude for the synergy that has been built between the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the Jakarta Provincial DPRD, so that there are many policies of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government that can be felt directly by all citizens.

This was conveyed by Anies in the Special Plenary Meeting to welcome the 492th Anniversary of Jakarta City, Saturday (22/6), which was attended by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, the entire Chairman and members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, the Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, and the Ambassador from various countries.

“Let me express my highest gratitude and appreciation to the Leaders and Members of the Board, for their cooperation and support that continue to be intertwined and grow in harmony and synergy so far,” he said.

On this occasion, Anies explained the achievements of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in various fields, ranging from achievements that met good governance and eradicating corruption, to the achievements obtained by each department in the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Furthermore, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government again won a Unqualified Opinion (WTP) in the regional financial statements for two consecutive years.

“Alhamdulillah, with the efforts made, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is able to obtain the title of WTP for the second year,” he said.

In addition, other achievements came from the award given by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

KPK gave three awards for the category of Regional Government with the Implementation of the Best State Official Assets Report in 2018; Regional Government with the Largest Gratification Value Set to State Ownership in 2018; and the Regional Government with the Best Gratuity Control System in 2018.

The breakthroughs of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government that brought benefits to the citizens were also explained by Governor Anies in front of the participants of the Special Plenary Meeting.

Some innovation programs that form the Face of Jakarta, include the Regional Expenditure Payment Service System and the Central Tax through SP2D Online and Real Time; Revitalization of Pedestrian Facilities, such as the revitalization of the sidewalk with the concept of Complete Street, revitalization of the Crossing Bridge (JPO), Bridge of Multipurpose Crossings, and Tunnel of Crossing People.

“The next innovation is the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has launched a grand design (large design) movement based on the City 4.0 paradigm. That is, the city administration will become a collaborator, and citizens will become co-creators, “he explained.

Collaboration between the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and citizens is a major concern in presenting a new face to Jakarta. To advance this city, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will not be able to work alone. Support from the community, experts, academics and citizens is needed.

However, Anies asserted, what became very important was the solid leadership in the Capital City, which in the constitution mentioned included people’s representative institutions, security institutions, and law enforcement.

“This city must belong to all, including in its management. The spirit of deliberation and representation must be revived to work together to build the city. We also hope that synergy with the Central Government will continue to be strengthened, “he said. (L/Ast/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)