Jerusalem, MINA – Khatib and Imam of Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Palestine Shaykh Muhammad Salim, said in a Friday sermon, the fasting of Ramadan will give birth to social unrest.
In the sermon he delivered on the pulpit Saladin al-Ayyubi, Shaykh Salim explained, if a person is fasting but still fighting with his siblings and even broke the brotherhood, then his actions are not in accordance with the nature of social diverting from fasting.
“Including if he says lies and spreads slander, he has ignored the essence of fasting, which is to refrain from committing sins,” he said, as quoted from Al-Ray on Saturday, May 2.
He asked the people to increase their good deeds and tolerance and help one another, especially helping the poor in the current epidemic situation.
Also Read: Al-Aqsa Imam Calls for Solidarity with Palestinians Amid Israeli Aggression
“Ramadan must be a month of mercy and provide the best charity until the end of the month. This is the month of obedience, repentance, and good deeds, and the time to leave sin and wrong, “he continued.
Facing the current plague, he advised the people to be patient and always pray for the help of Almighty God.
This is the first time in Coronavirus pandemic, Aqsa Mosque held a prayer in congregation, with a limited attendances which consisting of imams and mosque officials, waqf board staff and Al-Aqsa Guards (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Ageny (MINA)
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