Four Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims Still Have Treatment in Saudi Arabia

Makkah, MINA – Indonesian pilgrims who are still undergoing treatment in Saudi Arabia until the end of the 2022 Hajj pilgrimage operations are gradually being repatriated. From a total of eight worshipers who were treated, three pilgrims have been sent home and one has died in Saudi Arabia.

“Indonesian pilgrims who have been treated and have made it possible to return to their homeland are gradually being sent home,” said Consul for Hajj at the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah, Nasrullah Jasam on Monday as quoted by Ihram.

Furthermore, he said there were pilgrims who had been repatriated on August 14, 2022. The congregation was in the name of Muhaya Mahabar from West Jakarta.

He also said that it was possible for two Indonesian pilgrims to be sent home, even though they were lying down.

They are Sugeng bin Ngadeni Abdullah Meka, members of the Surabaya Embarkation Group 55 (SUB 55) and Ahmad Daniel who are members of the Surabaya Embarkation Group 23 (SUB 23).

Sugeng was treated at the King Abdullah Hospital in Makkah, while Ahmad Daniel was treated at the Al-Noor Hospital in Makkah. Both were flown from Jeddah on Saudia Airlines.

As the two pilgrims returned, it was recorded that there were still four Indonesian pilgrims who were being treated in Saudi Arabia.

Nasrullah ensured that his team and the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah will continue to monitor the health of the pilgrims who are still undergoing treatment.

“If it is possible and they get medical permission to be repatriated, they will immediately be flown to the country,” he said. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)