Fadli Zon Plans to Meet Police Chief to Clarify Accusation of Fund Disbursement to ISIS

Photo: Rifa/MINA

Jakarta, 22 Jumadil Akhir 1438/21 March 2017 (MINA) – Some of the board members of the Turkish humanitarian organization IHH and the Justice for All Foundation met Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR) Fadli Zon in his office on Tuesday (21/3), to dismiss the charges against the two institutions regarding the disbursement of funds transferred to ISIS in Syria.

Fadli said he will meet with Police Chief in the near future to provide clarification about it.

“We will convey to the police to provide clarification on this matter,” Fadli told IHH representatives led by Sefa Ozdemir and representatives of the Foundation for Justice for All Adnin Armas.

Fadli said that the alleged funding of the organization headed by Nasir Bachtiar to IHH for ISIS in Syria have entered the international sphere. Therefore, the police should be observant and in-depth in investigating this case.

IHH, Justice for All together with the Muslim Lawyers Team (TPM) met Fadli to explain where the absurdity of the charges to the two institutions.

Chairman of the Justice for All Foundation Adnin Armas revealed the agency never send money or working with Insani Yardim Vakfi, or IHH, a Turkish international humanitarian organization based in Istanbul.

Adnin said the allegations that the Justice for All agencies of sending funds to terrorist organizations in Syria referring to ISIS in July 2016 was unfounded and slanderous.

“Our new partnership with GNPF was signed in October 2016, so it did not make sense if the transfer was made in July,” said Adnin to MINA on the sidelines of the meeting.

On that occasion, IHH lawyer Sefa ozdemir insisted his agency had never done any cooperation with ISIS.

“What was reported in the media in Indonesia about it was not true,” he said.

Fadli appreciated the IHH for being assertive and coming to Indonesia to clarify it. (L/RO4/RS5)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)