Consumption of Halal Food Getting Higher in the US

New York, MINA – The Indonesian Consul General in New York, United States Dr. Arifi Saiman, revealed that the awareness of consuming halal food that is processed in accordance with Islamic law is getting higher among the US Muslims and non-Muslims.

“Although the market segment for halal products is still smaller compared to organic and kosher products, the food industry and interest in halal food products is increasing,” Arifi said in a written interview with the MINA News Agency, which was broadcast on Friday.

“Based on information from the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), the halal food business will reach more than US $ 20 million dollars in 2020. There are 405 halal products that have been registered and spread in the US with IFANCA halal certification,” he added.

He also revealed that the extension of Indonesia’s status in the US GSP (Generalized System of Preferences) program is an opportunity for Indonesia to increase the number of products exported to the US, including halal products.

He said that currently Indonesian halal products are being promoted through halal food exhibitions and have also been sold in a number of large supermarkets in New York as well as online such as instant noodles, peanut snacks, herbs, potato chips, sweet potatoes, cassava and taro, candy, biscuits, soy sauce, and seasonings.

He also said that the halal business was not only limited to the food industry but also other industries such as cosmetics. PT. Mustika Ratu has exported its cosmetic products in 2019 to enter the United States market. To support marketing, PT. Mustika Ratu collaborates with local distributors of herbal medicines and beauty products. In addition, Martha Tilaar’s cosmetic products have also been marketed in the United States since 2013. (L/R7/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)