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Baznas Appoints Tangerang as Sharia-Based Economy City

sajadi - Thursday, 28 March 2019 - 17:04 WIB

Thursday, 28 March 2019 - 17:04 WIB


Tangerang, MINA – Tangerang City was chosen to be one of the sharia-based economic regions for the next five years, starting from 2019 to 2024. To realize this, the Tangerang City Government launched 75 stores which namedĀ  Z mart.

“Today we open 75 Z mart stores. This shop is a collaboration between Tangerang City Government and Baznas (National Amil Zakat Agency),” said Tangerang Mayor Arief R Wismansyah in Tangerang City Hall on Wednesday, as quoted from

This step is considered to realize a sharia-based community economy. BecauseĀ one of the reasons for choosing Tangerang City is the spread of Islam and Muslims there is quite large.

Later, Islamic economics in Tangerang will become a business center both online and commercial. Traders who only have stalls or small shops will be given assistance by the government and Baznas to increase their trade value or transactions.

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Meanwhile, Chairman of Baznas Indonesia, Bambang Sudibyo said, Islamic economics is a Baznas program to directly alleviate poverty. Tangerang was chosen because it saw the economic development in the region nicknamed 1000 industries, especially, directly adjacent to Jakarta.

“This is our help directly in Tangerang, until the year 2024 there will be a thousand Z marts. And this, we hope to be realized,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Tangerang Baznas, Muhammad Aslie Elhusyairy said the assistance was provided by National Social Security Agency and government in the form of sharia economic training, shop repairs as well as trade capital with totaling Rp 20 million per person.

“We will spend a total of approximately Rp 1.5 billion. So, we can see the real evidence that they can live better with the assistance we provide, where they can earn their own income which can double. Our program can at least help around 10 percent of the poverty rate in the city of Tangerang, “he explained. (L/Sj/P2)

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Miā€™raj News Agency (MINA)

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