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Ambassador Mirzayev: Azerbaijan Never Give up Narogo-Karabakh to Armenia

sajadi - Sunday, 26 July 2020 - 21:47 WIB

Sunday, 26 July 2020 - 21:47 WIB


Team of Mi’raj News Agency (MINA) had opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Indonesia H. E Jalal Mirzayev at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Jakarta on Tuesday, July 21.

MINA team led by Editor in Chief Ismet Rauf, Senior Editor Widi Kusnadi, Head of Coverage Rana Setiawan, Chief Editor of Arabiv Rifa Berliana Arifin, Chief Editor of English Sajadi, International desk journalist Siti Aisyah, and photographer Abdullah.

While Ambassador Mirzayev was accompanied by the Second Secretary of the Embassy, ​​Mr. Emil Ahmadov.

During the meeting, Ambassador Mirzayev explained some issues. In the excerpt of this third part of the interview, he explained his domestic conflict with Armenia which has not yet ended.

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MINA: There have been recent clashes between Azerbaijani forces and Armenian forces on the border of the Tovuz region, what is Azerbaijan’s position on this matter?

Ambassador Mirzayev: Since July 12, the armed forces of Armenia flagrantly violates the ceasefire regime, using artillery mounts to flre on the positions of Azerbaijan’sarmed forces in the direction of Tovuz district, along the state border between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The attack of the Armenian forces was prevented by retaliatory measures of the Azerbaijani army. As a result of the combat, twelve servicemen, including one general and one colonel of the Azerbaijani army were killed and four were injured. Along with that, a 76-years old civilian was killed in Tovuz district of Azerbaijan by the Armenian armed forces’shelling.

This provocative act of the Armenian armed forces should be seen as a continuation of the recent actions and statements of the leadership of aggressor state Armenia, which serve to increase tensions in the region, against the backdrop of socio-economic problems deteriorated further by the widespread of COVID-19 in Armenia, caused by its incompetent performance, and distract attention from the domestic problems in the country.

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Armenia, which has reflected its aggressive policy in the country’s national security strategy, openly demonstrates that it aims to seize new positions and increase tensions in the region instead of eliminating the consequences of the conflict and withdrawing its occupying forces from the internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan.

This provocation by Armenia casts serious doubt on the essence of the negotiations mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs on the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Armenia is trying to involve third parties in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict with such provocative actions. Nevertheless, the position of the international community on Armenia’saggressive policy is quite well known.

We strongly condemn the attack by the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia on the Tovuz district in the Republic of Azerbaijan and their violations of the ceasefire on the border region between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

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We reiterate that, Armenian leadership bears full responsibility for such provocative actions that serve to aggravate the situation.

We demand Armenia to fulfil the resolutions UN Security Council and decisions of the other international organizations which demand immediate, full and unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and support a peaceful settlement to the conflict on the basis of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the internationally recognised borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

MINA: Azerbaijan’s conflict with Armenia continues to this day. What is Azerbaijan expected from Indonesia regarding to this conflict?

Ambassador Mirzayev: lndonesia always supports Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders. ln the past lndonesian officials has always expressed lndonesia’s stance on this matter.

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ln 1993, the UN Security Council adopted Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 and condemned the use of force against Azerbaijan and the occupation of its lands. In these resolutions, the Security Council expressed its respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan once again, confirmed that the Nagorno-Karabakh region is an integral part of Azerbaijan and demanded the immediate, full and unconditional withdrawal of occupying forces from all occupied territories.

Besides UNSC resolutions, lndonesia as a member of OIC has regularly supported resolutions adopted within this organization related to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan as a result of the aggression of Armenia. We hope that lndonesia will continue its strong support in Azerbaijan’srightful position in Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict. (W/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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