Al-Qassam Brigade Shoots Two Zionist Soldiers with One Bullet

Al-Qassam Brigades shot two Zionist soldiers with one bullet in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, Wednesday, May 2024 (Arabic Post)

Gaza, MINA – Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, published the scene of the shooting of two Israeli Zionist soldiers with one bullet in Beit Hanoun, north Gaza on Wednesday.

Al-Qassam also shot down one other soldier during the operation. Arabic Post reported.

Meanwhile, Zionist Media also reported that 2 soldiers were killed and 4 others were injured due to explosive device explosions and sniper fire in the Gaza Strip.

Last week, the Al-Qassam Brigades also succeeded in killing 15 Zionist soldiers in a special ambush east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip on Friday.

The Zionist officials themselves admitted that there were still deaths and injuries on the Zionist side. This is as stated by the former Deputy Head of Mossad, Ram Ben-Barak, who said that the aggression against Gaza was a war that his party had clearly lost.

He said he lost more soldiers on his side. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)