Photo: PIC
Photo: PIC

Gaza, 29 Jumadil Awwal 1436/20 March 2015 (MINA) – Member of Hamas’s political bureau Mousa Abu Marzouk said that Benjamin Netanyahu’s sweeping victory in the Knesset election would lead to more settlement and Judaization activities and more violations in the occupied Palestinian territories.

In Facebook remarks on Wednesday, Abu Marzouk expressed hope that the results of the Israeli election could be a lesson for those who had wagered on the Israeli occupation to make a change.

“It is not important who wins in the Zionist elections because all contesting parties are racing to demonstrate their hostility to the Arabs and Palestinians. This is a lesson for those who have wagered on their enemies to create a change and antagonized their own people,” he stated.

The Hamas official called on Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to bring the Palestinian people together and engage in the battle for the Palestinian state, which, he said, was recognized by the whole world except for Israel and the US.

“Stop the security coordination and revoke the expired agreements, which the Zionists have never respected, and the situation will not be worse than now,” he urged Abbas further.(T/P008/R03)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)