by Syarif Hidayat*

        The USA, the renowned World Preacher of Human Rights and Democracy has set the world rule of law “that all countries which used chemical weapons against civilians or suspected of producing or storing  weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) must be punished by devastating or destroying that countries as well as killing their citizens indiscriminately using all kind of modern and deadly WMDs” except when the culprits are Israel and the US-led western countries.

         The people in the corridors of Power in Washington and the US-led western civilization regimes leaders are awfully silent about millions of innocent people including old men, women, children and babies who were and are being killed by their war machines in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Somalia in their so-called War on Terror as well as in their covert operations in Syria … and the worst thing is that they merely call those innocent victims as collateral damages.
       Under the guise of hypocritical declarations of “war of Liberation” to liberate Iraq from the West so-called Dictator Saddam Hussein that turned out to be the killing of millions of  Iraqi people indiscriminately, “war to hunt for Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda and Talibans” in Afghanistan that turned out to be the killing of hundreds of thousands of Afghan people indiscriminately and the “humanitarian” war to “save” the Libyan people from the West so-called Dictator Muammar Gaddafi that turned out to be the killing of hundreds of Libyan people indiscriminately and the Zionist and US-led imperialists covert operation in Syria, the U.S-led western  regimes were in fact aiming to occupy Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and gain control of the world oil reserves and international oil trade as well as dominate the whole Middle East and Africa by their military powers (and ultimately the whole world). 
      Either Syria or Iran could be the next (Syria is actually now in the process of being punished)!

The true face of Preacher of Human Rights and Democracy

        The US-led western regimes “War on Terror” (THAT IS ACTUALLY THE US WAR FOR OIL AND HEGEMONY IN THE WORLD as well as The Smoke Screen for War against Islam and Muslims) buries all presumption of innocent. This could mean that the US-led western regimes forces have been and are killing thousands of innocent people including old men, women, children and babies in the Muslim countries freely at will!

       But when a few of their men killed, they would make noises around the world including forcing the UN to make a resolution to apply a severe punitive economic sanction or launch an allied western military action against the country where the accident took place or against the alleged culprits by deploying all kind of deadly war machines to terrorize the people of that country and hunt the culprits. If they couldn’t find the real culprits, it is almost certain they would produce scapegoats and send them to the infamous US Guantanamo Torture camp.

      I am also very sorry for the fine young American men and women soldiers who are being sent into the wrongful wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the intervention in Libya as well as covert operation in Syria, the wars that seem to benefit only the multiple interests of the Military Industrial Complex and the Zionist corporate world; and not the families of the young men and women soldiers!

Faithful Servants

       Israeli forces often have been using many kind of internationally banned weapons including chemical weapons against Palestinian civilians, but always got away freely. Why? This could be the answer:

       Barack Obama, the other US leaders and the US-led western regimes leaders as well as the US-led western media leaders serve the Zionist Israel day and night well!
       “You can help us or we ‘will overthrow the world’.” – Chaim Weizmann, first president of the State of Israel.


        Baba Mezia, 114b “The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.”
        Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”

        Midrasch Talpioth (fol. 225d): “God created them [Jews] in the form of men for the glory of Israel . But Akum were created for the sole end of ministering unto them [the Jews] day and night. Nor can they ever be relieved from this service. It is becoming to the son of a king [an Israelite] that animals in their natural form, and animals in the form of human beings should minister unto him.”
        Facts speak for themselves correctly and objectively that the Israelis through the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbyists could bully American leaders and Congressmen to support and finance Israeli actions in the occupied lands as well as support its political interests worldwide, while American leaders and the congressmen could not be brave enough to stand up against the Israelis bullying!!


The US and Israeli WMD Double Standards

Israeli nuclear and chemical weapons manufacturing facility at Dimona (image by       CIA DOCUMENTS REVEAL ISRAELI STOCKPILE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS:  A newly-discovered document of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency revealed Monday (9 September 2013) by Foreign Policy magazine shows that the U.S. agency had decisive evidence dating back to at least the 1980s that Israel had a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons. (Picture: The Israeli Chemical and Biological weapons factory in Dimona, Negev Desert as viewed from satellite)

       The revelation comes in the midst of the reported use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government on August 21st.

        The document revealed by Foreign Policy magazine on Monday shows that, in addition to building up a nuclear stockpile of an estimated three hundred nuclear weapons during the 1960s and 70s, the Israeli military also developed an extensive stockpile of chemical and biological weapons.

        The 1983 document stated that U.S. spy satellites had identified “a probable CW [chemical weapon] nerve agent production facility and a storage facility… at the Dimona Sensitive Storage Area in the Negev Desert. Other CW production is believed to exist within a well-developed Israeli chemical industry.”

      “While we cannot confirm whether the Israelis possess lethal chemical agents,” the document adds, “several indicators lead us to believe that they have available to them at least persistent and nonpersistent nerve agents, a mustard agent, and several riot-control agents, marched with suitable delivery systems.” The single page of a larger CIA report was discovered at the Ronald Reagan Library in California in its unredacted form – the report had been released several years ago to the National Archives, but was heavily censored.

       According to the Foreign Policy report, “Israeli historian Avner Cohen, in his 1988 book Israel and the Bomb, wrote that Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion secretly ordered that a stockpile of chemical weapons be built at about the time of the 1956 war between Israel and Egypt. The CIA, on the other hand, believed that Israel did not begin work on chemical weapons until either the late 1960s or the early 1970s.

       The article included the following assessment from the 1983 CIA report: “Israel, finding itself surrounded by frontline Arab states with budding CW [chemical weapons] capabilities, became increasingly conscious of its vulnerability to chemical attack. Its sensitivities were galvanized by the capture of large quantities of Soviet CW-related equipment during both the 1967 Arab-Israeli and the 1973 Yom Kippur wars. As a result, Israel undertook a program of chemical warfare preparations in both offensive and protective areas.”

       The Israeli government has harshly criticized the Syrian government for its alleged use of chemical weapons three weeks ago, and has encouraged President Obama’s pledge to respond militarily. Israel did sign the Convention to Ban Chemical Weapons, but the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) never ratified the treaty. Israel has never opened its nuclear facility or its chemical weapons stockpile to international inspections.


Chemical and Biological Weapons

         Israel possesses a comprehensive arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. According to the Sunday Times, Israel has produced both chemical and biological weapons with a sophisticated delivery system, quoting a senior Israeli intelligence official, “There is hardly a single known or unknown form of chemical or biological weapon . . .which is not manufactured at the Nes Tziyona Biological Institute.”

        The same report described F-16 fighter jets specially designed for chemical and biological payloads, with crews trained to load the weapons on a moments notice.

        In 1998, the Sunday Times reported that Israel, using research obtained from South Africa, was developing an “ethno bomb; “In developing their “ethno-bomb”, Israeli scientists are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying distinctive a gene carried by some Arabs, then create a genetically modified bacterium or virus…

       The scientists are trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the distinctive genes.” Dedi Zucker, a leftist Member of Knesset, the Israeli parliament, denounced the research saying, “Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied.”

Using one crime against humanity to cause another

        William A. Cook in his article titled “Using one crime against humanity to cause another” published in writes, Unfortunately, tragically, British Foreign Minister William Hague’s empathy for those mutilated by chemical weapons does not apply to the UK’s allies, the United States and Israel, as the heinous picture below attests: the children of Palestine seared to death by white phosphorus during Israel’s savage invasion of Gaza during this 21st Century, the Christmas slaughter of the innocents (2008-2009), a repetition of Herod’s pathology from the first century, when the Roman appointed King of the Jews attempted to control those who could live and those who could die.

        How fortunate for William Hague to forget this earlier use of illegal chemical weapons to save embarrassment for his country’s allies while verbally savaging his perceived enemies.

        While the rest of the world debates whether chemical agents were used, what kind were used, and who used them, whether or not this attack should be or must be the determinant of action required because the “red line” has been crossed, whether the west must wait for the UN inspectors to report to their superiors, whether or not we have already acted illegally against International law by arming and training these rebels, or whether there is any known consequences should we attack Syria, one concern, it seems to me, rides high above all others, how can the United States and Israel be the determiners of who will use chemicals of mass destruction since they are culpable of this crime multiple times over in this very century?


        Witness the bombing of Baghdad, the attempted erasure of Fallujah, again and again, and the US supported invasion of Gaza. How hypocritical of the British Secretary to claim righteousness to invade a sovereign nation when he and his nation have been allies to such mayhem?

        Here the righteous stand in all their finery, their striped ties set against the blue pin-striped suits, lashing at the people of the world for not getting upset that they do not want more wars despite the “evidence” that they fail to present, after all they are the government and the people must trust them.

IDF uses white phosphorus in urban areas

       Well here is evidence, the picture taken in Gaza and should you have the stomach for it, hundreds of pictures taken as the invasion there unfurled (see Operation Cast Lead, a video stream put together by Dr. Arthur Billy and made available on You Tube). But there’s more evidence coming right from the perpetrator of this slaughter as reported by Idan Landau: “It doesn’t photograph well. (the white phosphorus)” In all honesty, the man is right.

        This item caught me by surprise. The IDF is giving up white phosphorus? Wait a minute; the IDF never used white phosphorus during Cast Lead. So how exactly do you give up something you never had? Chemical weapons are something the Syrians use, no?

       Okay, after a while the army did remember that it had been confused, and it did use white phosphorus, but only in open territories and not against people.

        Okay, then the IDF remembered that it got it wrong again and that it did use white phosphorus in urban areas. Two hundred bombs, actually. But this was only in order to create a “smoke screen,” and there is nothing wrong with that. And if there was something wrong, it’s insignificant and unintentional, and it would be thoroughly investigated, so that no stone is left unturned.

        That’s all well and good, except that at least 12 Gazans met their horrific death this way, burned to death by white phosphorus. Among them were three women, six children and a 15-month-old baby girl.

        Dozens more suffered burns from the material which continues to burn through flesh and tissue until it reaches the bone. Doctors in Gaza were helpless in treating the unfamiliar burns. Israel didn’t give them time to prepare themselves; white phosphorus shells hit Al-Quds Hospital and completely burned the top two floors.”

        There’s the evidence and proof that neither Kerry, Obama, Cameron or Hague can produce. And shouldn’t we be able to see photos taken of this tragic event by phone cameras as happened in Gaza?

       The allies are those guilty of the use of this horrific weapon but we fail to condemn ourselves and certainly not our “democratic, only friend” in the mid-east, Israel. But why condemn if we control the UN and make it impossible to bring Israel to the international court as the Goldstone Report stated must be done.

        And so we continue this inevitable march to disaster granting impunity to the cause, the nation that drew the red line Obama has to address or be unbelievable forever after. How prescient that we provide a point of absolute action that can be used by our own CIA, Mossad, and mercenaries, blame the Syrian government for false flag operations, and attack regardless of truth and evidence to support it.

        What else justifies the only excuse our governments use to not provide transparent evidence: it can’t be revealed because it would aid the enemy in determining our sources of information.

         Let me close with some further observations by Idan Landau that cannot be refuted yet were never allowed to be presented to the International courts. Had that happened perhaps Hague’s attempt to use the use of chemical weapons to day would not have been necessary.

        Unfortunately, tragically, William Hague’s empathy for those mutilated by chemical weapons does not apply to the UK’s allies, the United States and Israel, as the heinous picture below attests: the children of Palestine seared to death by white phosphorus during Israel’s savage invasion of Gaza during this 21st Century, the Christmas slaughter of the innocents (2008-2009), a repetition of Herod’s pathology from the first century, when the Roman appointed King of the Jews attempted to control those who could live and those who could die.

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        How fortunate for William Hague to forget this earlier use of illegal chemical weapons to save embarrassment for his country’s allies while verbally savaging his perceived enemies.

        While the rest of the world debates whether chemical agents were used, what kind were used, and who used them, whether or not this attack should be or must be the determinant of action required because the “red line” has been crossed, whether the west must wait for the UN inspectors to report to their superiors, whether or not we have already acted illegally against International law by arming and training these rebels, or whether there is any known consequences should we attack Syria, one concern, it seems to me, rides high above all others, how can the United States and Israel be the determiners of who will use chemicals of mass destruction since they are culpable of this crime multiple times over in this very century?

        Witness the bombing of Baghdad, the attempted erasure of Fallujah, again and again, and the US supported invasion of Gaza. How hypocritical of the British Secretary to claim righteousness to invade a sovereign nation when he and his nation have been allies to such mayhem?

Genocide in Gaza by IsraelHorrific death

        Here the righteous stand in all their finery, their striped ties set against the blue pin-striped suits, lashing at the people of the world for not getting upset that they do not want more wars despite the “evidence” that they fail to present, after all they are the government and the people must trust them. Well here is evidence, the picture taken in Gaza and should you have the stomach for it, hundreds of pictures taken as the invasion there unfurled (see Operation Cast Lead, a video stream put together by Dr. Arthur Billy and made available on You Tube).

       But there’s more evidence coming right from the perpetrator of this slaughter as reported by Idan Landau:

      “It doesn’t photograph well. (the white phosphorus)” In all honesty, the man is right.

       This item caught me by surprise. The IDF is giving up white phosphorus? Wait a minute; the IDF never used white phosphorus during Cast Lead. So how exactly do you give up something you never had? Chemical weapons are something the Syrians use, no?

       Okay, after a while the army did remember that it had been confused, and it did use white phosphorus, but only in open territories and not against people.

       Okay, then the IDF remembered that it got it wrong again and that it did use white phosphorus in urban areas. Two hundred bombs, actually. But this was only in order to create a “smoke screen,” and there is nothing wrong with that. And if there was something wrong, it’s insignificant and unintentional, and it would be thoroughly investigated, so that no stone is left unturned.

       That’s all well and good, except that at least 12 Gazans met their horrific death this way, burned to death by white phosphorus. Among them were three women, six children and a 15-month-old baby girl. Dozens more suffered burns from the material which continues to burn through flesh and tissue until it reaches the bone.

       Doctors in Gaza were helpless in treating the unfamiliar burns. Israel didn’t give them time to prepare themselves; white phosphorus shells hit Al-Quds Hospital and completely burned the top two floors.”

       There’s the evidence and proof that neither Kerry, Obama, Cameron or Hague can produce. And shouldn’t we be able to see photos taken of this tragic event by phone cameras as happened in Gaza?

       The allies are those guilty of the use of this horrific weapon but we fail to condemn ourselves and certainly not our “democratic, only friend” in the mid-east, Israel. But why condemn if we control the UN and make it impossible to bring Israel to the international court as the Goldstone Report stated must be done.

       And so we continue this inevitable march to disaster granting impunity to the cause, the nation that drew the red line Obama has to address or be unbelievable forever after. How prescient that we provide a point of absolute action that can be used by our own CIA, Mossad, and mercenaries, blame the Syrian government for false flag operations, and attack regardless of truth and evidence to support it.

        What else justifies the only excuse our governments use to not provide transparent evidence: it can’t be revealed because it would aid the enemy in determining our sources of information.

        Let me close with some further observations by Idan Landau that cannot be refuted yet were never allowed to be presented to the International courts. Had that happened perhaps Hague’s attempt to use the use of chemical weapons to day would not have been necessary, William A. Cook concludes his article.

       “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt. (T/E1/P03)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)


*Editor of MINA





This article (a more comprehensive version) has also been published in the website: GLOBAL MARCH FOR PEACE!

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