86 Days of Hunger Strike, Palestinian Prisoner Sheikh Adnan Passed Away

Palestinian Prisoner Leader Sheikh Khader Adnan. (Photo: Shehab)

Al-Quds, MINA – Leader of Palestinian Prisoners Sheikh Khader Adnan passed away after carrying out a hunger strike for 86 days in Israeli prisons. This was quoted from Shehab on Tuesday.

The frequent hunger strikes of Palestinian prisoners are carried out in response to the increasingly stringent policies imposed by the current Israeli occupation mainly under the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, under the cabinet of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.

Palestinian factions mourn the death of Khader Adnan. Hamas leader Ismail Radwan said, “We mourn the Palestinian people and the whole nation for Martyr Sheikh Khader Adnan, who represents a legend in the face of the Israeli occupation.”

Radwan added, the Zionist occupation bears full responsibility, and this crime will not go unpunished by the Palestinian resistance factions.

He also called on all international human rights and humanitarian organizations as well as the Palestinian Authority to pursue occupation responsibility for war crimes against Palestinian prisoners.

“The heroic prisoner Khader Adnan represents an icon of resistance against the Zionist occupation in prison, and such crimes will not undermine the strength and steadfastness of the prisoners,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Jihad Resistance Movement responded, “Commander Sheikh Khader Adnan rose as a Martyr in a crime for which the Israeli occupation must bear full and direct responsibility,” he said.

“As we grieve (over the death of) this warrior, who never abandoned his duty to support the truth and defend his people, and spent the moments of his life fighting for and defending his sanctity, we affirm that we continue on the same path and approach as leader Khader Adnan. (the resistance approach) and all that has been done before by the leaders and the mujahideen,” he said.

Meanwhile, the official spokesman of the Fatah movement, Munther al-Hayek, expressed sorrow over the martyrdom of prisoner Khader Adnan, who rose (fought back with a hunger strike) while shackled by hatred of the occupation, the Netanyahu government and Ben Gvir’s death prison.

Commenting on the martyrdom of Khader Adnan, Popular Front said, “Israel’s crime of killing fighter Khader Adnan is a manifestation of the scale of the violations and the egregious crimes against the movement of prisoners, especially sick prisoners, who suffer from a policy of medical negligence that places hundreds of prisoners on death row which will gradually suffered the same fate as martyr Khader Adnan.

The Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative Movement, Mustafa Al-Barghouti, commented on the killing of Adnan by stating that the Israeli fascist criminal occupation bears responsibility for the killing of the valiant fighter Khader Adnan, and Israel will pay the price for this serious crime and for the crime of administrative detention and persecution male and female prisoners in occupation prisons.

The Popular Resistance Movement in Palestine demonstrated the need to respond to the occupation’s crimes against prisoners by increasing resistance and supporting prisoners at all levels.

In a press statement, the Popular Resistance held the Israeli occupation fully responsible for the death of prisoner leader Khader Adnan, also stressing that the silence of international and humanitarian agencies regarding the crimes committed against the prisoners was an encouragement and approval of these crimes.

In the same context, the Palestinian Mujahidin Movement media office said that the martyrdom of the detainee leader Khader Adnan is an intolerable killing of Zionist terrorists.

A press statement added that Zionists are responsible for this crime against detainee Khader Adnan, and must bear all the consequences.

He emphasized that the occupation’s systematic crimes against Palestinian heroic prisoners paint the ugly face of Zionist terrorism and hatred, which are a violation of all international conventions on prisoners. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)