14 People Died Due to Indonesian Semeru Eruption

Photo: Tirto

Lumajang, MINA – Based on the latest data compiled by Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) on Sunday at 05:30 p.m, the number of victims who died due to the eruption of Mount Semeru was 14 people.

BNPB continues to coordinate with the Lumajang Regency BPBD regarding updating data on the impact of the eruption.

This was conveyed by the Acting Head of the Center for Disaster Information and Communication Data (Pusdatinkom) BNPB Abdul Muhari Ph.D in the Press Conference: Developments on the Second Day After the Mount Semeru Eruption at Graha BNPB, Jakarta on Sunday.

“The victims who died were identified in two sub-districts, namely 11 people died in Pronojiwo District, while 3 people died in Candipuro District,” he explained.

The other injured victims are 21 people, bringing the total injured to 56 people.

In addition, the Lumajang Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) also reported that 5,205 people were affected by the occurrence of hot cloud avalanches that occurred on Saturday.

Until now, the local BPBD is still collecting data regarding the number of victims affected and the development of the number of people who have fled to 1,300 people.

Responding to the eruption of Mount Semeru, the Regent of Lumajang Regency determined the status of Emergency Response to the Impact of Hot Clouds and Mount Semeru Falls for 30 days starting from December 4, 2021 to January 3, 2022.

The Regent of Lumajang Regency also established the Mount Semeru Hot Cloud and Avalanche Emergency Response Command led by the Military District Commander 0821 Lumajang, together with the 527th Infantry Battalion Commander as Deputy Commander I, the Head of the Lumajang Resort Police as Deputy Commander II and the Head of the Lumajang Regency BPBD as secretary. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)