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Zero Garbage Tabligh Akbar

sajadi - Tuesday, 21 March 2023 - 19:55 WIB

Tuesday, 21 March 2023 - 19:55 WIB


The Central Taklim or Tabligh Akbar Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) has finally returned to normal after three years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This time the Taklim Center is divided into two zones, namely Zone 1, namely the Sumatra region which will be held at the An-Nubuwwah Mosque, Al-Muhajirun, South Lampung on March 8-12 2023. While Zone 2, namely the Java, Kalimantan and other areas, will be held at the At Takwa Mosque, Pasirangin, Cileungsi, Bogor Regency, West Java on March 15-19 2023.

In Cileungsi itself, the committee is targeting 10 to 11 thousand worshipers who will attend the annual event.

In organizing an event that involves tens of thousands of people, usually the main problem that arises is the waste problem.

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Imamul Muslimin Yakhsyallah Mansur on Thursday during the Fajr prayer at the At Takwa Cileungsi Mosque called for the Zero Garbage Tabligh Akbar in front of the congregation present at that time.

Therefore, Imaam Yakhsyallah appealed to the congregation to implement awareness, concern, availability in realizing this movement.

Awareness of the importance of cleanliness, said Imaam Yakhsyallah, must be possessed by every congregation, because Islam not only teaches cleanliness but is very clean.

Increasing awareness of cleanliness, for example reminding other worshipers if they dispose of trash in the wrong place, he said.

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Regarding availability, such as place and waste management are also very important to support the realization of environmental cleanliness, he continued.

In fact, he continued, two things, namely discipline and maintaining cleanliness, were the keys to the success of developed countries.

Previously, the students of the Al Fatah Islamic Boarding School were deployed to clean up the Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School’s roads.

Al-Fatah students clean up starting at 5 pm, continuing until 8 pm, to welcome guests from out of town who will come to the Tabligh Akbar.

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Chairman of the Tabligh Akbar Accommodation Committee, Haryanto said, this activity also aims to introduce the culture and traditions of the pesantren, and provide understanding to the students that there is a habit of community service by cleaning the pesantren environment.

According to this cleaning practitioner, the awareness movement for the environment can increase the awareness of all elements of society about the importance of protecting the environment

Cleaning the environment is an order taught by Rasulullah Shalallahu Alaihi Wassalam that cleanliness is part of faith, he said.

Tabligh Akbar and Sya’ban Festival 1444 H have the theme, “Building the People’s Economy with the Spirit of Ramadan in Congregational Life Towards the Liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque”.

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This year’s event contains various activities such as the MSME Bazaar and Expo, Social Service, Blood Donation, Book Review and the peak event, Tabligh Akbar Sya’ban 1444 H. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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