Jakarta, MINA – The National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, has replaced a number of Regional Police Chiefs, including the Head of the Metro Jaya Regional Police and the West Java Regional Police Chief. Both were removed from their positions because they were deemed not to enforce health protocols at an activity held by Habib Rizieq Shihab.
Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, explained that there was a crowd during the Covid-19 pandemic. It happened when Habib Rizieq held an event in Tebet, South Jakarta and Megamendung, Bogor.
Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Pol Nana Sudjana and West Java Police Chief Inspector General Pol Rudi Sufahradi were removed from their posts.
“There are two Police Chiefs who do not carry out orders in enforcing the health protocol, so they will be given sanctions in the form of dismissal, namely the Head of the Metro Jaya Police, then the West Java Regional Police Chief,” explained Argo.
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The position of Police Chief Metro Jaya was replaced by Inspector General Fadil Imran, who is currently the Head of the East Java Regional Police.
Regarding the replacement of the Metro Jaya Police Chief is stated in the Head of Police’s Telegram dated November 16, 2020. The telegram of the replacement of the Jakarta Police Chief to the West Java Regional Police Head is contained in number ST / 3222 / XI / KEP. / 2020.
Prior to the announcement of the replacement of the Metro Police Chief to the West Java Regional Police Chief, General Idham Azis was summoned by President Joko Widodo. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)