By: Alexander Zulkarnaen, Republika ID
Among the legacies of Ramadan is preserving the practice of fasting. Shawwal is a month in which fasting for six days is prescribed as part of continuing the tradition of fasting in question.
Of course, this syawal sunnah fasting has wisdom that makes Ramadan madrasa graduates not miss it.
First, fasting in Shawwal is worth fasting for a year. Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam gave this good news through the words of a friend of Abu Ayyub Al Ansari, “Whoever fasts Ramadan and then fasts six days in Shawwal, then he fasts like a whole year” (HR Muslim).
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Imagine, just by fasting six days then the value becomes a year’s fast. Mathematically, it turns out that this calculation can be proven.
In the book of Syarah Riyadhusshsholihin it is explained, people who do one good deed will get ten such good deeds. Fasting Ramadan for a month means it will be like fasting for 10 months.
Fasting Shawwal six days will be like 60 days, equal to two months. Therefore, a person who fasts Ramadan and then fasts six days in Shawwal will fast like a whole year.
Second, fasting in Shawwal is like the fast of Rawatib, which completes the fast of Ramadan. The fasting of Sha’ban and the fast of Shawwal are the Rawatib fasts (accompanied by fard fasting) which are carried out before and after the fast of Ramadan.
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Just as the Rawatib prayer can complete the shortcomings that exist in the fard prayer, so does the fasting that accompanies the obligatory fast. Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said, “Indeed, in fasting most people have shortcomings in several aspects. Sunnah practices are also needed to complete these shortcomings.”
Third, fasting Shawwal as an indication of the acceptance of Ramadan fasting. Continuing the sunnah fasting of the month of Shawwal is a sign that one’s Ramadan fast has been accepted by Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala. Because if Allah accepts the deeds of a servant, He will give taufik to the servant to do other good deeds after him.
Fourth, fasting in Shawwal is a form of gratitude. One of the blessings to be grateful for is the gift of forgiveness of sins in the month of Ramadan. Ibn Rajab said, “There is no greater blessing than the forgiveness of sins that Allah bestows.”
Fifth, fasting in Shawwal as a form of perpetuating worship. With the end of Ramadan does not mean to stop doing charity. The spirit of Ramadan must be maintained, even improved. Moreover, Syawal etymologically means Irtifa, which is the month of improvement.
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Don’t let us fall into the category of the Ramadhani generation, that is, people who only obey the month of Ramadan, but relapse into immoral habits as soon as they leave this holy month. In contrast, the Rabbani generation that we hope for, namely people who always do good deeds throughout their lives.
Finally, all our deeds of worship during the month of Ramadan may Allah accept it and we will all be reunited in the next Ramadan. Amen. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)