Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns Spanish businesses against investments in illegal Israeli settlements. (Photo:

Madrid, 30 Sha’ban 1435/28 June 2014 (MINA) – Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned Saturday Spanish businesses against making investments in illegal Israeli settlements, following the suit of Germany, the UK, France and Italy.

The Ministry said is a press release that it welcomed the warning issued recently by the Governments of United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain and Italy, and the Netherlands earlier on, to their citizens against doing business in illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights, considering that this step reflects the commitment of France, United Kingdom, Spain and Italy to the universality of human rights, WAFA News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

“This step is consistent with the European Union’s long-standing position that Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are illegal under international law. It is also in conformity with States obligations under International law, United Nations resolutions and the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion on the wall, not to render aid to illegal action undermining the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination, who’s realization is a responsibility erga omnes (of concern to all),” said the press release.

“It is also in line with the recommendations of the UN Human Rights Council’s 2013 fact finding mission report on Israeli settlements.”

Commenting on the adverse impact of the illegal Israeli settlement constriction, the Ministry said: “The Israeli occupation’s illegal settlement activities are detrimental to the two state solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the prospects of peace.”

The Ministry stressed that making investments in Israeli settlements is tantamount to being complicit in Israeli violations, stating: “Israel the occupying Power has shown itself unwilling to halt settlement construction and end its numerous additional violations of international law – even as a temporary measure of good faith during ‘negotiations’. In this context, such steps by third parties are important to avoid being complicit in Israeli violations of international law and to contribute to putting an end to them.”

The Ministry called on all other European Union (EU) member States to take all necessary measures not to render aid or assistance to illegal settlement activity as “Such measures must pave the way for the banning of illegal Israeli settlement products in all EU member states, prohibiting any form of involvement, both direct and indirect, by citizens, groups, corporations and governments in the illegal settlement activity, as well as taking steps against settlers’ groups, notably the terrorist organizations constantly attacking the Palestinian civilian population.”

The Ministry concluded by calling upon the international community, including the EU Member States, to assume their responsibility in holding Israel accountable for its violations of international law and Palestinian rights. It also called on all States “to halt all trade with illegal Israeli settlements and ensure that national businesses do not contribute to Israeli violations of international law.”

Affirming the fact that halting illegal settlement construction, let alone dismantling settlements, is a prerequisite for any credible negotiations, the Ministry noted: “These steps against Israeli illegal settlement activity would constitute the necessary support for the resumption of credible negotiations leading to ending occupation and materializing the independent State of Palestine on pre-1967 borders and achieving the long overdue end to this conflict.”(T/P02/E01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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