Saudi Arabia Prepares Umrah Opening for Indonesian Pilgrims

Jakarta, MINA – Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is preparing to open Umrah for Indonesian pilgrims.

“The Embassy (Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Jakarta) has received information from competent parties in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding arrangements for the resumption of Umrah for Indonesian Umrah pilgrims,” ​​said the Foreign Minister in a press briefing video, Saturday evening.

The Foreign Minister said the information was obtained from a diplomatic note from the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Jakarta which was delivered on Friday.

In the diplomatic note, it was informed that a special committee in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is working to minimize all obstacles that prevent Indonesian pilgrims from being able to perform Umrah.

In addition, it was stated that the two parties were in the final stages of discussing the exchange of technical links with Indonesia which explained the visitors’ information related to vaccines and would facilitate the process of entering pilgrims.

The diplomatic note also mentions considering setting a five-day quarantine period for Umrah pilgrims who do not meet health standards required.

“Of course, we will follow up this good news with a more detailed discussion of the technical implementation,” said the Foreign Minister.

According to the Foreign Minister, the good news came, could not be separated from the Government’s efforts and the development of handling Covid-19 in Indonesia which is getting better.

The Indonesian Foreign Minister himself had last communicated with the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia on the sidelines of the 76th UN General Assembly in New York, United States last month. (L/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)