Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World




Admin - Sunday, 18 January 2015 - 06:38 WIB

Sunday, 18 January 2015 - 06:38 WIB

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5. Imam Shams-ud-din Dimishqi (Rahimuhullah) writes:

قد صح أن أبا لهب يخفف عنه عذاب النار في مثل يوم الاثنين لإعتاقه ثويبة سرورا بميلاد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم أنشد:
إذا كان هذا كافرا جاء ذمه * وتبت يداه في الجحيم مخلداأتى أنه في يوم الاثنين دائما * يخفف عنه للسرور بأحمدافما الظن بالعبد الذي طول عمره * بأحمد مسرورا ومات موحدا

Translation: It is proven that Abu Lahab’s punishment of fire is reduced on every Monday because he rejoiced on brith of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) and freed the slave-woman Thawba (RA) When Abu Lahab, whose eternal abode is hell fire and regarding whom whole surah of Tabat Yada (i.e. Surah Lahab) was revealed, he gets Takhfif in his Adhaab every Monday then Imagine the situation of a (momin) who has spent his life in rejoicing over birth of Prophet (saw) and died as a Mawhid [ Mawrid as Sadi Fi Mawlid al Hadi by Imam al-Dimishqi and Imam Suyuti in Hassan al Maqsad fi Amal al Mawlid, Page No. 66]

6. Imam Ibn Jawzi (Rahimuhullah) the most strict scholar on Jirah wa Tadeel, even he wrote a complete book on Mawlid where he said:

In Haramayn (i.e. Makkah and Madina), in Egypt, Yemen rather all people of Arab world have been celebrating Mawlid for long. Upon sight of the moon in Rabi ul Awwal their happiness touches the limits and hence they make specific gatherings for Dhikr of Mawlid due to which they earn immense Ajr and Success.[Biyan al Milaad an Nabwi, Page No. 58]

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7. Shah Wali Ullah Muhadith Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) the great Imam of al-Hind mentions one of his all time wonderful experiences as:

I took part in a gathering of Mawlid inside Makkah where people were sending Darood and Slaam upon Prophet (Peace be upon him) and mentioning the incidents which took place during the time of your birth (before and after) and those which were witnessed before you were appointed as a Nabi (such as Nur eliminating from Bibi Amina RA, she seeing Nur, woman proposing to Abdullah RA on sight of Nur on his forhead etc…) suddeny I saw Nur to have enveloped one group of people, I don’t claim that I saw this with my bodlily eyes, nor do I claim that it was spiritual and Allah knows the best regarding these two, however upon concentration on these Anwaar a reality opened upon me that these Anwaar are of those Angels who take part in such gatherings, I also saw Mercy to be decending along with Anwaar of Angels [Fayudh al Haramayn, Pages 80-81]

8. Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) the author of leading book written on refutation of Rafidhis (i.e. Tohfa Athna Ashriyah) he said:

The Barakah of Rabi ul Awwal is due to birth of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) in this month, the more this Ummah sends Darud and Salaam and arrange for (sadaqa for the poor), more will they be blessed [ Fatawa al Azizi 1:123]

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9. Mullah Ali Qari (Rahimuhullah) the author of Sharh al Mishqaat and magnificent Hanafi scholar, he said:

Allah said: There hath come unto you a messenger, (one) of yourselves (9:128), In this It is pointed towards honoring the time when Prophet (saw) arrived amongst us, therefore one should do dhikr (of Quran) to thank Allah. As for Samah and playing is concerned then that which is Mubah (i.e. allowed) could be made part of Mawliddue to happiness without any harm [Muallah Ali Qari in his Al Mawlid an Nabi, Page No. 17]

10. The great Mufasir and Sufi, Hadrat Ismail Hiqqi (Rahimuhullah) said:

To celebrate Mawlid is amongst the great tributes to Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam), but the condition is that it should be clear of evil things. Imam Suyuti (rah) has said: It is Mustahab for us to be happy on birth of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) [Tafsir Ruh ul Bayan, Volume 9, Page No. 52]

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11.The Poet of the East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal (Rahimuhullah) said:

Milad un Nabi (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is amongst the sacred days for Muslims. According to my understanding it is very crucial for nourishment and treatment of human minds and hearts, Hence it is necessary for Muslims to keep in their sight the Aswa ur Rasul (salallaho alaihi wasalam). In the following three ways they can keep their emotions intact.

1. The first way is of sending Darood and Salaam which is part and parcel of Muslim’s life, they try to find every possible time to send Darood. I have come to know about Arab world that if 2 people get into a fight in market then the third says loudly: Allah humma Sali Ala Sayyidna wa Barik Wassalim, hearing this the fight stops immediately, this is the power which Darood holds therefore it is necessary to embed the thought in heart of the person on whom Darood is sent (i.e. Prophet Salallaho alaihi wasalam)

2. The second way deals with Gatherings i.e. Muslims should gather in great number and one person out of them (i.e. leader) who is fully versed regarding the Life and works of Pride to the worlds (i.e. Prophet Salallaho alaihi wasalam) should mention them in detail so that the devotion to follow the way of Prophet (saw) awakens in hearts of Muslims, for this purpose we have also gathered today.

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3. The third way is although difficult but still it to be mentioned is very important. It is that Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is remembered in such a way that our hearts (and ways) become Mazhar (signs) of different aspects of Nabuwah i.e. the feeling which was there about 1300 years ago due to literal presence of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam), the same feeling arises in our hearts too. [Asaar e Iqbal, Pages. 306-307]

11. Maulana Abdul Hai Luckhnawi (Rahimuhullah) said:

When a kafir of Abu Lahab’s calibre gets rewarded upon rejoicing on birth of Prophet (saw), then an Ummati who gets happy on his birth and spends due to his love for him would of course be established on high standards, just like it has been mentioned by Ibn Jawzi (rahimuhullah) and Sheikh Muhadith Haq Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) [Abdul Hai in Majmua al Fatawa, Volume 2, Page No. 282]

Khalil Ahmed Sahranpuri in Al-Muhannad broke all barriers when he said:: What are we, not even a single Muslim can consider Dhikr of birth of Prophet (saw), rather dhikr of his shoes, RATHER DHIKR OF URINE OF HIS DONKEY TO BE BIDAH OR HARAM [Al Muhannad, Page No. 60, Question No. 21]

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12.The famous scholar of Ghair Muqalideen, Nawab Saddiq Hassan Khan Bhopali said:

What is wrong in it if we cannot do dhikr of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam)’s Seerah, his Hidaya, his Birth and his death evreyday, then we should do it every month and in days of Rabi Ul Awwal and they should not be left empty.

He writes further: A Person who does not get happy upon incidents of Mawlid and does not thank Allah for such a great blessing then “SUCH A PERSON IS NOT MUSLIM” [Ash Shamama tul Anbarah min Mawlid al Khayr ul Barah, Page No. 12]

Note: No wonder our Salafis have not even spared their own people in Takfir, the above fatwa is an open takfir upon all Salafis who make sad faces on Mawlid and try to refute it (Note: Its has been mentioned in the beginning that Shaytan cried loudly on birth of Prophet saw)

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13. Sheikh ul Islam Imam Ibn Hajr al Haytami (Rahimuhullah) writes:

The gatherings of Mawlid and Adhkaar which take place during our time, they are mostly confined to good deeds, for example in them Sadaqat are given, Dhikr is done, Darud and Salam is sent upon the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) and he is praised. [Imam al Haythami (rah) in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Page No. 202]


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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