Palestinians Raise Palestinian Flag on Subaih Mountain

Photo: M Shaaban/MINA

Jerusalem, MINA – Escalated on Friday, in the West Bank, between Palestinian youth and the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, especially in the towns of Beita and Beit Dajan in Nablus.

The Red Crescent reported that 102 Palestinian civilians were wounded during the confrontations in Nablus, including 26 with rubber-coated metal bullets, and 75 from suffocation with tear gas canisters.

In Beit Dajan, east of Nablus, 20 civilians were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets. 3 of them were taken to the clinic for treatment, while two Red Crescent ambulance officers were wounded, and 39 were suffocated.

The occupation forces targeted medical staff, as an ambulance was damaged during the confrontations in Beit Dajan.

In the town of Beita, 6 Palestinian civilians were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets, including a 65-year-old man.

Also, 36 civilians were suffocated with tear gas canisters and were treated in the field.

The Palestinian freedom fighters in Beita managed to reach the nearest point of the Israeli settlement outpost of Avitar and raise the Palestinian flag on Sobeih mountain.

Eyewitnesses stated that the occupation soldiers fired live bullets at young men in the Yatmawi area, west of Jabal Sobeih.

A periodic Palestinian report monitored a noticeable rise in the acts of resistance against the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem during the month of February, which varied between shootings, armed clashes, and throwing of stones and Molotov cocktails.

The report, issued by the Palestine Information Center “Maata”, documented the death of 6 Palestinian civilians and the wounding of 719 differently, while the number of resistance operations reached 835, injuring 27 Israeli soldiers and settlers, including 14 in occupied Jerusalem. (LKG/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)