Palestinian Community in Brussels Commemorate Prisoner’s Day

Palestinian Community in Brussels Commemorate Prisoner's Day (photo: Wafa)

Brussels, MINA – The Palestinian community in Belgium and supporters of Palestine, including lawmakers and party leaders, held on Sunday a vigil in Brussels commemorating the Palestinian Prisoner’s Day, Wafa reported.

The vigil was called for by the Palestinian community in Belgium, the European Coalition in Support of Palestinian Prisoners’ Rights, and the Belgian-Palestinian Association, and was held in front of the central train station in downtown Brussels.

During the vigil, the participants raised Palestinian flags, pictures of prisoners in the Israeli prisons and banners expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom and dignity.

Keynote speakers at the event included Hamdan Al-Dumairi, the representative of the Belgian Antal Foundation, and Member of the European Parliament, Marc Botenga.

The participants called on the Belgian and European official authorities to take serious action to impose sanctions on the occupying Israeli regime, which violates all international rules, laws and norms every day. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)